Thank you for helping us recycle!
Used and empty plastic bottles aren’t done when you are. In New Zealand, all our bottles and cans can be recycled. Together, we can help prevent them becoming waste by recycling them and helping them have another life.
In New Zealand all of our plastic bottles under 1 litre and all of our water bottles in all sizes are made with 100% recycled plastic (excluding caps and labels).
Recycling Week 21-27 October 2024

At Coca‑Cola, we believe in the power of collective action to help create a sustainable future. That's why we're proud to support Recycling Week in New Zealand, an annual initiative launched by Reclaim NZ in 2013 to raise awareness and educate Kiwis on best practices to reduce waste and increase recycling. Recycling Week has seen an ever-increasing number of organisations—from schools to corporates and everything in between—participate, making the event both educational and enjoyable.
By supporting Recycling Week, we aim to engage with communities, educate consumers about the importance of recycling, and encourage positive recycling behaviors.