- $12,748,802 is what one share of KO stock would be worth today (at the end of 2015) if purchased in 1919 with dividends reinvested
- 300 billion glass contour bottle sold worldwide
- 3,800 products sold in 2015
- 20 billion-dollar brands in our global portfolio
- 130 sparkling and still drink varieties available on Coca‑Cola Freestyle
- $57.3 million is what Andy Warhol's Coca‑Cola (3) sold at auction in 2013
- 24 million retail outlets globally
- 209 community water projects in 61 countries
- 84.5 million donated by The Coca‑Cola Foundation to Communities in 2015
- 1,100 total number of low and no calorie productions available
- 47 major advertising slogans Coca‑Cola has introduced through the years ("Taste the Feeling is #47)
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