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Renovating Coca‑Cola’s Iconic Kings Cross Billboard


Sydney’s iconic Coca‑Cola sign at Kings Cross is another step closer to a brighter, more energy efficient future as the restoration work continues.

Earlier this month its unmistakeable letters and red fluting were removed from the façade, with a temporary banner sign soon to be erected.

Work will continue behind the scenes as the team restores the sign to its former glory, with the help of more energy efficient lighting solutions.

For the past 40 years, the billboard has shone down on William Street, a popular meeting spot and landmark known as the Gateway to the Cross.  

It’s witnessed rain, hail, and shine, lit up the Mardi Gras, and stood as an early signpost on the annual City to Surf fun run. Each night, the city skyline was illuminated by 1,200 red and white neon tubes and as we reported last year, once featured a weather update.

The “back to bricks” refurbishment by Claude Neon is now creating a shiny new future for the Sydney landmark. “It’s an amazing location, the area’s biggest corner”, says Site Manager, Thomas Lang. “The whole area is being revitalised and we are going to keep the biggest sign fresh and new too”.

The neon will be replaced by two kilometres of rope LED lighting, the background will be rebuilt and a new computer will take control. Previously controlled by a switching system the size of a Kombi van, the new controls are barely larger than an iPad.

The lights are more sophisticated too; new LEDs are able to reproduce any colour imaginable. This unlimited palate will create a rainbow of new and exciting experiences to inspire the city.

A Bright Future

The refurbishment also reflects Coca‑Cola’s strong commitment to sustainable solutions. The new LEDS use 60% less power; saving energy, money and the environment. While Coca‑Cola has saved the classic Spencerian script letters, the rest of the sign will be reused, repurposed and recycled wherever possible.

Claude Neon was the company responsible for the first sign in 1974 and has maintained its working relationship with Coca‑Cola ever since. Andrew Gibson, Claude Group CEO says, “We’ve always been incredibly proud to be involved with something so iconic”. 

It is expected work will be completed in 2016.

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