Bienvenido a la Política de privacidad del consumidor de Coca‑Cola

The Coca‑Cola Company y sus filiales (en conjunto, Coca‑Cola o nosotros) se toman en serio su derecho a la privacidad. Agradecemos que nos confíe su información personal y consideramos que el respeto por su privacidad es la esencia de nuestras interacciones con usted. 

El manejo de la información personal por parte de Coca‑Cola se guía por estos principios:

  • Transparencia
  • Respeto

  • Confianza

  • Equidad

Fecha de entrada en vigencia: 10 de enero de 2024.

La Política de privacidad del consumidor de Coca‑Cola (Política de privacidad) describe la información personal que Coca‑Cola recopila de o sobre los usuarios de los sitios web, las aplicaciones móviles (Aplicaciones), los widgets y otros servicios en línea y fuera de línea que Coca‑Cola opera (en conjunto, los Servicios) y cómo usamos y protegemos esa información personal. Esta Política de privacidad también explica la manera en que los usuarios podrán tomar decisiones sobre su información personal.

Cuando nos referimos al término información personal (algunas veces citado como datos personales en virtud de algunas leyes) en esta Política de privacidad, nos referimos a la información que identifica o puede usarse para identificar a un ser humano individual.. Esto significa que la información personal incluye identificadores directos (como el nombre) e indirectos (como el identificador o dirección IP de computadora o dispositivo móvil). Cuando nos referimos a usted o al usuario, nos referimos a alguien que utiliza cualquiera de los Servicios. Cuando nos referimos al responsable del tratamiento, nos referimos a la persona o entidad que determina qué información personal se recopila de usted o sobre usted y cómo se utiliza y protege esa información personal.

La manera en que recopilamos, usamos y protegemos su información personal está sujeta a las leyes de los lugares en los que operamos. Esto significa que podemos tener diferentes prácticas en diferentes lugares. Para obtener más información, consulte los Derechos y opciones de privacidad, que incluye descripciones adicionales de sus derechos y nuestras obligaciones en ciertas jurisdicciones clave y con quién comunicarse.



Esta Política de privacidad se divide en las siguientes secciones:


Esta Política de privacidad se publicó y entra en vigencia para los nuevos usuarios el 10 de enero de 2024. Las versiones anteriores de las políticas de privacidad de Coca‑Cola se aplican hasta el 20 de enero de 2024 y se podrán solicitar en la dirección


La Política de privacidad se aplica a la información personal recopilada a partir de los usuarios de los Servicios en los que se publica o vincula la Política de privacidad, cuando se hace referencia específicamente a la Política de privacidad en los Servicios o cuando Coca‑Cola le pide que la reconozca. Esta Política de privacidad también cubre la información personal que recopilamos de los consumidores que se comunican con nosotros por correo electrónico, teléfono y fuera de línea, como por ejemplo durante un evento en persona.

Esta Política de privacidad también puede aplicarse a la información personal que nos proporcionan los consumidores que interactúan con nosotros a través de las redes sociales. Comuníquese con nosotros al correo si tiene preguntas respecto a si esta Política de privacidad se aplica a alguna información personal específica relacionada con las redes sociales.

Esta Política de privacidad no se aplica a sitios web y otros servicios en línea operados por otras organizaciones. Esos otros sitios web y servicios siguen sus propias políticas de privacidad, no esta Política de privacidad. Asegúrese de revisar esas políticas de privacidad para estar enterado sobre cómo se maneja su información.


a. Información que elige proporcionarnos

Recopilamos la información personal que usted elige compartir con nosotros.

La información personal que usted elige proporcionarnos generalmente incluye los siguientes tipos de información personal. Sírvase revisar a continuación para obtener más información sobre las categorías de información personal que Coca‑Cola recopila y por qué se recopila:

Información de contacto y de cuenta

Coca‑Cola solicita su nombre y apellido, dirección de correo electrónico o número de teléfono móvil y fecha de nacimiento para crear una cuenta en los Servicios. También podemos recopilar el nombre de usuario y contraseña, edad, dirección postal, identificador emitido por el gobierno e información de contacto similar:

  • Para mantener su cuenta en línea si elige crear una.
  • Para verificar la identidad y el cumplimiento de requisitos a fin de acceder a ciertos Servicios.
  • Para personalizar su experiencia con los Servicios.
  • Para ofrecer acceso a contenido, descuentos y otras oportunidades exclusivos.
  • Para administrar un sorteo, concurso u otra promoción o un programa de fidelidad.
  • Para completar una compra y entregar productos.
  • Para enviar información que consideramos que usted le interesará, y que a veces se personaliza en función de la información asociada con su cuenta.
  • Para solicitar sus comentarios, como por ejemplo a través de una encuesta sobre un nuevo producto.
  • Para responder a sus preguntas y brindar servicio al cliente.
  • Para investigación e innovación.
  • Cuando asiste a un evento en persona, como eventos patrocinados u organizados por Coca‑Cola o muestras de productos.

Contenido generado por el usuario (CGU)

Coca‑Cola recopila las publicaciones, comentarios, opiniones, grabaciones de voz, fotos y videos que usted elige enviar a través de los Servicios:

  • Para monitorear las comunidades en línea.
  • Para registrar y actuar en función de sus comentarios y opiniones, como por ejemplo en encuestas, consultas de servicio al cliente y otras casillas de texto de formato libre.
  • Para administrar su participación en promociones que incluyan la presentación de CGU.
  • En relación con la participación en promociones u otros Servicios específicos, como por ejemplo los refrigeradores inteligentes de Coca‑Cola.

Las fotografías, grabaciones de voz y videos que elija compartir pueden constituir datos biométricos en virtud de algunas leyes. Coca‑Cola recopila datos biométricos únicamente cuando cuenta con su consentimiento específico.

Información asociada con una cuenta en una plataforma de redes sociales

Cuando se conecta o inicia sesión en los Servicios a través de su cuenta de redes sociales, como Facebook y Twitter, recopilamos la información personal permitida por la plataforma de redes sociales y los permisos otorgados por su cuenta, como por ejemplo su foto de perfil, correo electrónico, “me gusta” e intereses y amigos, seguidores o listas similares:

  • Para personalizar su experiencia con los Servicios.
  • Para responder a sus comentarios y consultas publicados en la plataforma de redes sociales y analizar las comunicaciones (como tuits o publicaciones) con Coca‑Cola o sobre Coca‑Cola a fin de comprender mejor la opinión que tienen los consumidores sobre Coca‑Cola.

(Si más adelante decide que no desea proporcionarnos información de su cuenta de redes sociales, ajuste la configuración de privacidad en su cuenta de redes sociales).

Datos de ubicación

Recopilamos datos precisos de geolocalización (también conocidos como GPS) cuando se otorga la autorización pertinente a través de nuestras Aplicaciones, cuando usted habilita la recopilación través del sistema operativo de su dispositivo móvil y en otras formas cuando contamos con su consentimiento, según sea necesario.

La ubicación aproximada desde una dirección IP o conexiones a WiFi, Bluetooth o un servicio de red inalámbrica se recopila automáticamente cuando utiliza los Servicios.

Recopilamos estos datos de ubicación:

  • Para personalizar su experiencia con los Servicios.
  • Para informarle cuando haya productos, promociones o eventos disponibles cerca de usted o permitir que otros usuarios vean su ubicación cuando usted elija permitirlo.
  • Para enviar publicidad geográficamente pertinente.

Otra información personal compartida a través de los Servicios

La recopilamos:

  • Para administrar nuestras comunidades en línea.
  • Para administrar promociones y otras características de los Servicios que le permitan compartir su información personal.

b. Información sobre el uso de nuestras Aplicaciones

Cuando descarga e instala una de nuestras Aplicaciones, la información que recopilamos depende del sistema operativo y los permisos de su dispositivo móvil. Nuestras Aplicaciones necesitan usar ciertas funciones y datos de su dispositivo móvil para funcionar. Por ejemplo, si desea una experiencia sencilla de paso de entorno en línea a entorno de Aplicación, necesitamos recopilar y vincular información desde su navegador web.

Para obtener más información sobre la información específica recopilada por una Aplicación, verifique la configuración de su dispositivo o revise la información de permisos disponible en la plataforma en particular (p. ej., Google Play y App Store) desde la que descargó la aplicación. Ciertas aplicaciones también le permiten verificar o cambiar su estado para la recopilación de ciertos datos en la configuración de la Aplicación. Si cambia su configuración, es posible que ciertas funciones de la Aplicación no funcionen correctamente.

Para detener la recopilación de toda la información a través de una Aplicación, desinstale la aplicación.

c. Información recopilada automáticamente durante el uso de los Servicios

Recopilamos automáticamente cierta información de y sobre el uso de los Servicios desde las computadoras y dispositivos móviles de los usuarios. Parte de la información recopilada automáticamente es información personal en virtud de ciertas leyes. Esta información se recopila automáticamente utilizando cookies, píxeles, balizas web y tecnologías de recopilación de datos similares (en conjunto, tecnología de recopilación de datos). 

La información que recopilamos automáticamente incluye:

  • Información sobre su computadora o dispositivo móvil, como por ejemplo tipo de dispositivo y número de identificación, tipo de navegador, proveedor de servicios de Internet, red móvil y sistema operativo.
  • Dirección IP y ubicación geográfica amplia (p. ej., ubicación a nivel de país o ciudad).
  • Cómo interactúa una computadora o dispositivo móvil con los Servicios, incluida la fecha y hora en que se accede a los Servicios, las solicitudes y los resultados de búsqueda, los clics y movimientos del mouse, las páginas web específicas a las que se accede, los enlaces en los que se hace clic y los videos vistos.
  • Mediciones de tráfico y uso.
  • Datos sobre los sitios o servicios de terceros a los que se accede antes de interactuar con los Servicios, los cuales se utilizan para hacer que la publicidad se ajuste mejor a los intereses de los usuarios
  • Interacciones con nuestras comunicaciones de marketing, por ejemplo, si se abre un correo electrónico de Coca‑Cola y cuándo se abre.

d. Información recopilada de terceros

Ocasionalmente, recibimos de parte de terceros información personal que utilizamos para obtener más información sobre nuestros usuarios, personalizar la experiencia del usuario y promover y mejorar los Servicios de manera más efectiva.

Los tipos de información personal que recibimos de terceros son los siguientes:

  • Información personal asociada con compras. Las compras con tarjeta de pago son procesadas por procesadores de pago externos. Coca‑Cola no tiene acceso a números de cuenta bancaria, números de tarjeta de crédito o números de tarjeta de débito completos.
  • Información personal que está disponible comercialmente a través de proveedores de servicios de marketing o es recopilada por socios de marketing a través de campañas y eventos, que se utiliza para ayudar a identificar a las personas que pueden estar interesadas en obtener más información sobre Coca‑Cola y para complementar la información personal que ya tenemos. Esta información personal incluye conocimiento obtenido al buscar coincidencias entre nuestros conjuntos de datos seudonimizados y los conjuntos de datos seudonimizados de terceros, lo cual incluye las coincidencias encontradas a través de salas limpias de datos (ver también la sección 4 del presente).
  • Información personal que recibimos de socios publicitarios externos que nos ayudan a proporcionar publicidad más pertinente.
  • Información personal compartida con Coca‑Cola por socios embotelladores.
  • Información personal de fuentes disponibles públicamente.
  • Información personal de las autoridades responsables del cumplimiento de la ley y otras autoridades gubernamentales (pero solo en casos particulares).

Podemos combinar la información que Coca‑Cola tenga sobre usted o combinar datos obtenidos a partir fuentes de datos de terceros. Exigimos que cada proveedor de datos externo confirme que su intercambio de información personal con Coca‑Cola es transparente para los consumidores y cumpla con la ley.

e. Otra información recopilada con su consentimiento

Podemos pedirle su consentimiento para recopilar tipos específicos de información personal a fin de que pueda participar en nuevas actividades, recibir contenido exclusivo o probar nuevas funciones. En virtud de algunas leyes de privacidad, Coca‑Cola debe obtener un consentimiento antes de recopilar y usar información personal. Consulte la sección 9 para obtener más detalles al respecto.


Coca‑Cola utiliza la información personal para proporcionar y mejorar los Servicios, administrar nuestro negocio, proteger a los usuarios y hacer cumplir nuestros derechos legales.

Utilizamos la información personal para proporcionar, personalizar y mejorar los Servicios (en cada caso, según lo permita la ley aplicable), lo cual incluye lo siguiente:

  • Para crear y actualizar cuentas de usuarios y cumplir con las solicitudes de los usuarios.
  • Para centralizar la información personal de los consumidores en una base de datos administrada por un tercero en nuestro nombre y anexar la información recopilada a partir de terceros.
  • Para enviar comunicaciones de marketing y no marketing a los usuarios.
  • Para permitir comunicaciones entre usuarios, como por ejemplo una comunidad en línea.
  • Para anuncios publicitarios dirigidos (también denominados a veces publicidad personalizada o basada en intereses) basados en información generada por la actividad en línea de un usuario, como por ejemplo cuando visita sitios web que contienen anuncios o cookies de nuestros socios publicitarios, algunos de los cuales se basan en la geolocalización.
  • Para obtener más información sobre nuestros usuarios que nos permita recomendar contenido que creemos que les interesará a usuarios particulares.

En particular, desarrollamos conocimientos sobre los usuarios participando en “salas limpias de datos”. A través de una sala limpia de datos, ejecutamos consultas y extraemos resultados y conocimientos a partir de los datos ofrecidos por terceros que también participan. Otros negocios y participantes comparten los datos utilizados en salas limpias de datos en un formato que no revela ni expone directamente información personal; en cambio, antes de buscar coincidencias entre los datos, se crea un identificador y se utiliza para encontrar coincidencias entre los conjuntos de datos de terceros y la información personal seudonimizada de Coca‑Cola. (El uso de información personal con el fin de crear datos seudonimizados implica una previa creación de perfiles de conjuntos de datos). Después del proceso de coincidencia, recibimos información agregada sobre nuestra audiencia que no permite el enriquecimiento de conjuntos de datos individuales, a menos que le informemos u obtengamos de otro modo un consentimiento por separado a tal efecto. El intercambio de datos en salas limpias de datos se lleva a cabo para fines de descubrimiento de públicos, la expansión de públicos, la focalización de públicos y el modelado de públicos similares.

  • Para la administración de promociones y programas de fidelidad.
  • Para servicio al cliente.
  • Para pago de facilitación.
  • Para analizar cómo interactúan los usuarios con los Servicios y las tendencias de actividad a fin de que podamos desarrollar nuevas características y contenido que cumplan con las expectativas de nuestros consumidores.
  • Para mejorar los Servicios y la experiencia de los usuarios con ellos.
  • Para análisis de datos, investigación, desarrollo de productos y aprendizaje automático que nos permitan comprender mejor a nuestros consumidores y ofrecer innovaciones para ellos.
  • Para monitorear y probar los Servicios, incluida la solución de problemas operativos.
  • Para crear datos anonimizados, que no estén sujetos a esta Política de privacidad, que se utilicen para mejorar los productos y servicios de Coca‑Cola y fines comerciales similares, y para otros fines permitidos mediante un contrato y la ley.
  • Detectar y brindar protección contra fraudes, y uso abusivo y no autorizado de los Servicios
  • Para la gestión de riesgos y fines administrativos similares, como monitorear y hacer cumplir los acuerdos con los usuarios y cumplir de otro modo con las leyes aplicables a Coca‑Cola.


Utilizamos cookies y otras tecnologías de recopilación de datos para reconocerlo a usted o a sus dispositivos cuando utiliza los Servicios y recopilar información personal sobre usted.

En algunos casos excepcionales, puede haber algunos sitios web que forman parte de los Servicios y que tienen avisos específicos sobre cookies y otras tecnologías de recopilación de datos que se aplican a sitios web y consumidores específicos. Si visita un sitio web de Coca‑Cola que tiene un aviso sobre cookies, entonces se aplicará el aviso de cookies de ese sitio web en particular.

¿Qué son las cookies?

Las cookies son pequeños archivos de texto que se envían a su navegador web o el disco duro de su computadora o a los que se accede desde ellos. Una cookie normalmente contiene el nombre del dominio (ubicación de Internet) desde el que se originó la cookie, el “tiempo de vida” de la cookie (es decir, cuándo vence) y un número único generado aleatoriamente o un identificador similar. Una cookie también puede contener información sobre su computadora o dispositivo, como la configuración, el historial de navegación y las actividades realizadas durante el uso de los Servicios.

Coca‑Cola también utiliza “píxeles” (a veces llamados balizas web). Los píxeles son imágenes transparentes que pueden recopilar información sobre la apertura de correos electrónicos y el uso del sitio web en los sitios web y a lo largo del tiempo.

Las cookies que Coca‑Cola establece en los Servicios se denominan cookies de origen. Las cookies establecidas en los Servicios por cualquier otra parte se denominan cookies de terceros. Las cookies de terceros habilitan características o funcionalidades de terceros en o a través de los Servicios, como análisis y automatización de marketing. Las partes que establecen cookies de terceros pueden reconocer su dispositivo tanto cuando lo utiliza para acceder a los Servicios como cuando lo utiliza para visitar otros sitios web. Para obtener más información sobre las cookies en general, visite

Algunos navegadores web (incluidos Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox y Chrome) incorporan una función de “No rastrear” (“Do Not Track”, DNT) o una función similar que indica a los sitios web que un usuario no desea que se realice un seguimiento de su actividad y comportamiento en línea. Si un sitio web que responde a una señal DNT en particular recibe la señal DNT, el navegador impide que ese sitio web recopile cierta información de la memoria caché del navegador. No todos los navegadores ofrecen una opción DNT y las señales DNT aún no son uniformes. Por este motivo, muchos operadores de sitios web, incluido Coca‑Cola, aún no responden a las señales de DNT.

¿Por qué Coca‑Cola utiliza cookies y otras tecnologías de recopilación de datos?

Algunas cookies son necesarias para el funcionamiento de los Servicios. Otras cookies nos permiten rastrear los intereses de los usuarios para publicidad dirigida y mejorar la experiencia de los Servicios.

Los tipos de cookies que se envían a través de los Servicios y las razones por las que se utilizan son los siguientes:

  • Las cookies estrictamente necesarias son indispensables para el funcionamiento de Servicios de Coca‑Cola.
  • Las cookies de rendimiento o análisis recopilan información sobre cómo se utilizan los Servicios para que podamos analizar y mejorar los Servicios. Las cookies de rendimiento o análisis generalmente permanecen en su computadora después de cerrar su navegador hasta que las elimine.
  • Las cookies publicitarias se utilizan para hacer que los mensajes publicitarios se ajusten mejor a sus intereses, ya que nos ayudan a mostrar anuncios que se basan en sus intereses inferidos, evitar que el mismo anuncio aparezca con demasiada frecuencia y garantizar que los anuncios se muestren correctamente para los anunciantes.
  • Las cookies de redes sociales permiten a los usuarios interactuar más fácilmente con las plataformas de redes sociales. No controlamos las cookies de redes sociales y no nos permiten obtener acceso a sus cuentas de redes sociales sin su permiso. Consulte la política de privacidad de la plataforma de redes sociales en cuestión para obtener información sobre las cookies utilizadas.

La tecnología de recopilación de datos permite a Coca‑Cola monitorear los patrones de tráfico de una página web a otra, entregar cookies o comunicarse con cookies, comprender si los usuarios visitan los Servicios después de ver nuestro anuncio en línea mostrado en un sitio web de terceros, mejorar el rendimiento de los Servicios y medir el éxito de nuestras campañas de marketing por correo electrónico. Las Políticas de cookies de Coca‑Cola (disponibles en ciertas jurisdicciones) describen el uso de la tecnología de recopilación de datos por parte de Coca‑Cola.

Productos de Google

Cuando lo permita la ley aplicable, los Servicios utilizan Google Analytics para publicidad dirigida (a la que Google a veces se refiere como “remarketing”). Google utiliza cookies que Google reconoce cuando los consumidores visitan varios sitios web. Los datos recopilados a través de las cookies de Google ayudan a Coca‑Cola a analizar la manera en que se utilizan los Servicios y, para algunos Servicios y en algunas jurisdicciones, a personalizar las comunicaciones de marketing y la publicidad digital.

Los Servicios también incorporan videos de YouTube (empresa de Google) con integración mediante marcos (framing). Esto significa que, después de hacer clic en el botón para reproducir un video de YouTube a través de los Servicios, se establece una conexión entre los Servicios y los servidores de YouTube. Luego, se inserta un enlace HTML proporcionado por YouTube en el código de los Servicios para crear un marco de reproducción. El video almacenado en los servidores de YouTube luego se reproduce por el marco en los Servicios. YouTube también recibe información que le informa a YouTube que actualmente usted está utilizando los Servicios: su dirección IP, información del navegador, el sistema operativo y la configuración del dispositivo que está utilizando, la URL de la página web actual, las páginas web visitadas previamente si ha seguido un enlace y los videos que vio. Si ha iniciado sesión en su cuenta de YouTube, la información puede estar asociada con su perfil de usuario de YouTube. Puede evitar esta asociación si cierra sesión en su cuenta de YouTube antes de usar los Servicios y elimina las cookies correspondientes.

Para obtener más información sobre cómo Google recopila, usa y comparte su información, visite la Política de privacidad de Google.

Para obtener más información sobre cómo Google utiliza las cookies en la publicidad, visite la página Publicidad de Google.

Para evitar que Google Analytics utilice sus datos, puede instalar el complemento de inhabilitación para navegadores de Google.

Para inhabilitar los anuncios en Google que están dirigidos a sus intereses, utilice su configuración de Anuncios de Google.

Si se encuentra en el EEE, Suiza o el Reino Unido, tenga en cuenta en particular que, si permite las cookies de Google en el Centro de Preferencias de Privacidad de Coca‑Cola, la información generada por esas cookies sobre el uso de los Servicios es transmitida y almacenada por Google en servidores en los Estados Unidos. Coca‑Cola utilizó herramientas tecnológicas, incluida la herramienta de anonimización de IP de Google, para excluir la última parte de su dirección IP antes de que Google transfiriera los datos a los Estados Unidos, así como las herramientas de Google para desactivar la compartición de datos y las señales de Google, así como la configuración de User-ID en Google Analytics para ciertas jurisdicciones. Google no asociará una dirección IP con ningún otro dato en poder de Google.

En nombre de Coca‑Cola, Google utilizará los datos descritos anteriormente para compilar informes que ayuden a Coca‑Cola a operar y prestar los Servicios.

Productos de Meta

Algunas partes de los Servicios utilizan productos y funciones ofrecidos por Facebook, Instagram y Messenger, y aplicaciones de Facebook (Productos de Meta). Los Productos de Meta utilizan etiquetas, píxeles (el Píxel de Meta) y otros códigos de seguimiento y tecnologías únicos que recopilan información del usuario (incluida la información personal) a partir de los Servicios. Facebook realiza un seguimiento de las interacciones de los usuarios con los Servicios después de que un usuario hace clic en un anuncio colocado en Facebook u otros servicios proporcionados por Meta (lo que se denomina una conversión) y permite a Coca‑Cola obtener más información sobre cómo los usuarios interactúan con anuncios e información similar. Los Productos de Meta utilizan los datos recopilados para los fines propios de Meta, entre los cuales se incluye mejorar los Productos de Meta. Meta puede transferir los datos que recopila a partir de los Servicios a los EE. UU. y a otros países, donde usted puede tener menos derechos relacionados con su información personal. Para obtener más información sobre cómo los Productos de Meta recopilan, utilizan y tratan la información personal y cómo puede administrar o eliminar información personal sobre usted, consulte la Política de privacidad de los Productos de Meta en

Sus opciones de cookies

Puede configurar su navegador para que rechace todas las cookies o para que indique cuándo se configura una cookie. (La mayoría de los navegadores aceptan cookies automáticamente, pero le permiten deshabilitarlas. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que es posible que algunas características de los Servicios no funcionen correctamente sin cookies).

Como se indicó anteriormente, Google ha desarrollado un complemento de inhabilitación para navegadores si desea inhabilitar las cookies utilizadas para Google Analytics. Puede descargar e instalar el complemento para su navegador web aquí. Puede rechazar el uso de estas cookies seleccionando la configuración adecuada en su navegador. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ver y administrar su información en los Productos de Meta, consulte aquí.

Ciertas jurisdicciones en las que están disponibles los Servicios también tienen políticas de cookies que son independientes y complementan esta Política de privacidad y herramientas para administrar cookies. Consulte la sección 9 para obtener más detalles al respecto. 


Coca‑Cola comparte la información personal con personas y empresas que nos ayudan a operar los Servicios y llevar a cabo nuestras actividades comerciales, y cuando lo permite o exige la ley. También compartimos información personal cuando un usuario solicita que la compartamos. Exigimos que los destinatarios que reciben información personal de nuestra parte cumplan con esta Política de privacidad, a menos y hasta que se les informe a los usuarios que se aplicará una política o aviso de privacidad diferente.

Coca‑Cola comparte información personal con las siguientes categorías de destinatarios:

  • Asesores profesionales, como abogados, contadores, aseguradoras y expertos en seguridad de la información y forenses.
  • Proveedores de marketing que ayudan a promover los Servicios (como por correo electrónico) y ocasionalmente complementan la información personal que ya tenemos. Por ejemplo, Meta recibe y utiliza ciertos datos relacionados con el uso de los Servicios que nos ayudan a ofrecer publicidad personalizada en su plataforma y evaluar la efectividad de esta publicidad.
  • Los proveedores de servicios les permiten prestar servicios en nuestro nombre, incluidos análisis de datos, seguridad de datos, operaciones de comercio electrónico, encuestas, investigación, administración de promociones, ofertas y programas de fidelidad e igualmente nos ayudan a llevar a cabo nuestras actividades comerciales. Algunos de estos proveedores de servicios tienen responsabilidades globales.
  • Para asociaciones estratégicas, como asociaciones con ligas deportivas y fabricantes, y otros proveedores de ofertas complementarias.
  • A través de salas limpias de datos como se describe en la sección 4. El intercambio de datos en una sala limpia de datos se lleva a cabo para fines de descubrimiento de públicos, la expansión de públicos, la focalización de públicos y el modelado de públicos similares.
  • Proveedores de almacenamiento en la nube.
  • Adquirentes o inversionistas potenciales o reales y sus asesores profesionales en relación con cualquier fusión, adquisición o inversión real o propuesta en o de todo o parte de nuestro negocio. Haremos todo lo posible para garantizar que los términos de esta Política de privacidad se apliquen a la información personal después de la transacción o que los usuarios reciban un aviso anticipado de los cambios en el tratamiento de la información personal.
  • Filiales y socios embotelladores de Coca‑Cola.
  • Organismos responsables de la aplicación de la ley, reguladores gubernamentales y tribunales competentes cuando consideremos que la divulgación es necesaria (i) para cumplir con la ley; (ii) para ejercer, establecer o defender derechos legales; o (iii) para proteger los intereses vitales de usuarios, socios comerciales, proveedores de servicios u otro tercero.
  • Otros terceros con su permiso.

Si compartimos información personal, exigimos que los destinatarios manejen la información personal de conformidad con esta Política de privacidad y nuestros requisitos de confidencialidad y seguridad. 


En Coca‑Cola actuamos con diligencia para proteger y salvaguardar la información personal que se nos confía. Utilizamos diversas medidas que nos ayudan a proteger la información personal de todo acceso y uso no autorizados.

Coca‑Cola utiliza medidas de seguridad técnicas, físicas y administrativas destinadas a proteger la información personal que tratamos. Nuestras medidas de seguridad están diseñadas para proporcionar un nivel de seguridad adecuado al riesgo que supone tratar su información personal e incluyen (según corresponda) medidas para garantizar la confidencialidad, integridad, disponibilidad y resiliencia continuas de los sistemas de tratamiento y un procedimiento para probar, evaluar y evaluar regularmente la efectividad de las medidas técnicas y organizativas a fin de garantizar la seguridad del tratamiento de la información personal. Sin embargo, Coca‑Cola no puede eliminar por completo los riesgos de seguridad asociados con el tratamiento de información personal.

Usted es responsable de mantener la seguridad de las credenciales de su cuenta. Coca‑Cola tratará el acceso a los Servicios a través de las credenciales de su cuenta según las autorizaciones que usted haya otorgado.

Coca‑Cola puede suspender el uso que usted hace de todos o parte de los Servicios sin previo aviso si sospechamos o detectamos cualquier violación de la seguridad. Si cree que la información que proporcionó a Coca‑Cola o su cuenta ya no es segura, notifíquenos de inmediato al correo

Si tomamos conocimiento de una violación que afecte la seguridad de su información personal, le notificaremos según lo exija la ley aplicable. Cuando lo permita la ley aplicable, Coca‑Cola le proporcionará este aviso utilizando la dirección de correo electrónico asociada con su cuenta u otro método permitido asociado con su cuenta.



Conservamos la información personal sobre un usuario durante el tiempo que la cuenta del usuario esté activa y, de otro modo, durante el tiempo que sea necesario para los fines descritos anteriormente. También conservamos la información personal durante el tiempo que sea necesario para cumplir con las respectivas obligaciones legales, resolver disputas y hacer cumplir nuestros acuerdos.

Tenemos la intención de mantener su información personal precisa y actualizada. Conservamos la información personal que manejamos sujeta a esta Política de privacidad de acuerdo con nuestra política de retención de datos. Al momento de determinar el período de retención, tenemos en cuenta varios criterios, como por ejemplo el tipo de productos y servicios solicitados o proporcionados por usted, la naturaleza y duración de nuestra relación con usted y los períodos de retención obligatorios en virtud de la ley aplicable. Al final del período de retención correspondiente, eliminamos o anonimizamos la información personal o, si no podemos eliminar o anonimizar la información personal, separamos y almacenamos de manera segura la información personal hasta que sea posible su eliminación o anonimización.

Una vez que anonimizamos la información personal, esta dejar de ser información personal. Utilizamos datos anonimizados sujetos a las leyes y contratos aplicables.


Puede tomar decisiones sobre el manejo de su información personal por parte de Coca‑Cola. Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad comunicándose con Coca‑Cola conforme se describe en esta sección 9 o utilizando varias herramientas disponibles a través de su navegador o que Coca‑Cola ponga a disposición. En algunos casos, su capacidad para acceder o controlar su información personal está limitada por la ley aplicable.

Preferencias de dispositivos móviles

Los sistemas operativos móviles y las plataformas de aplicaciones (p. ej., Google Play, App Store) tienen configuraciones de permisos para tipos específicos de datos y notificaciones de dispositivos móviles, como por ejemplo para el acceso a contactos, servicios de geolocalización y notificaciones emergentes (notificaciones push). Puede usar la configuración de su dispositivo móvil para dar su consentimiento o rechazar determinada recopilación de información o notificaciones push. Ciertas aplicaciones también pueden tener configuraciones que le permiten cambiar permisos y notificaciones push. En el caso de algunas aplicaciones, el hecho de cambiar la configuración puede hacer que ciertos aspectos de la aplicación no funcionen correctamente.

Puede detener toda la recopilación de información a partir de una Aplicación al desinstalarla. Si desinstala la Aplicación, sírvase también verificar la configuración de su sistema operativo para confirmar que el identificador único y otra actividad asociada con su uso de la Aplicación hayan sido eliminados de su dispositivo móvil.

Inhabilitación de correos electrónicos y mensajes de texto de Coca‑Cola

Para dejar de recibir correos electrónicos promocionales de Coca‑Cola, haga clic en el enlace “Cancelar suscripción” en la parte inferior del correo electrónico. Aun después de que usted haya cancelado la suscripción, podremos enviarle comunicaciones no promocionales, como recibos de compras o información administrativa sobre su cuenta.

La configuración de su cuenta también puede permitirle cambiar sus preferencias de notificación, como por ejemplo notificaciones push desde una Aplicación.

Para dejar de recibir mensajes de texto promocionales (SMS o MMS), envíe un mensaje de texto de respuesta que indique que desea dejar de recibir mensajes de texto promocionales de nuestra parte. Puede hacerlo al escribir en su mensaje la palabra “Stop” (detener). También puede informarnos en los datos de contacto indicados en la sección “Contáctenos”. Especifique qué tipos de comunicaciones ya no desea recibir junto con el número de teléfono, la dirección o la dirección de correo electrónico correspondientes. Si cancela la suscripción al envío de mensajes relacionados con marketing de nuestra parte, aún podemos enviarle mensajes administrativos importantes, como correos electrónicos sobre sus cuentas o compras.




Algunos de los Servicios tienen restricciones de edad, lo que significa que podemos hacer preguntas para verificar su edad antes de permitirle usar esos Servicios.

De acuerdo con nuestra Política de marketing responsable, Coca‑Cola no dirige el marketing de nuestros productos a niños menores de 13 años. Si se entera de que un niño menor de 13 años o la edad establecida en virtud de la ley local nos ha proporcionado información personal sin el consentimiento de los padres o de otra manera que no sea la permitida por la ley aplicable, comuníquese con nuestra Oficina de Privacidad al correo Tan pronto nos enteremos, tomaremos medidas para eliminar la información personal del niño según lo exija la ley aplicable.


Coca‑Cola puede transferir información personal entre fronteras a cualquiera de los lugares donde nosotros y nuestros proveedores y socios comerciales hacemos negocios. Estos otros lugares pueden tener leyes de protección de datos que son diferentes (y, en algunos casos, que ofrecen menores protecciones) a las leyes donde usted reside.

Si su información personal es transferida entre fronteras por nosotros o en nuestro nombre, utilizamos medidas de seguridad adecuadas para proteger su información personal de acuerdo con esta Política de privacidad y la ley aplicable. Estas salvaguardas incluyen la aceptación de cláusulas contractuales tipo o contratos modelo para transferencias de información personal entre las filiales de Coca‑Cola y entre nuestros proveedores y socios. Cuando están vigentes, estos contratos requieren que nuestras filiales, proveedores y socios protejan la información personal de acuerdo con las leyes de privacidad aplicables.

Consulte también nuestra Política de privacidad del Marco de Privacidad de Datos, que describe cómo Coca‑Cola maneja los datos personales que Coca‑Cola recibe en los EE. UU. desde la UE, el Reino Unido y Suiza en función del Marco de Privacidad de Datos de la UE-EE. UU., la extensión del Reino Unido al Marco de Privacidad de Datos de UE-EE. UU., y el Marco de Privacidad de Datos Suiza-EE. UU., según lo establecido por el Departamento de Comercio de los EE. UU. (en conjunto, el Marco de Privacidad de Datos). Si los términos de esta Política de privacidad y la Política de privacidad del Marco de Privacidad de Datos entran en conflicto, entonces la Política de privacidad del Marco de Privacidad de Datos rige con respecto a la información personal que Coca‑Cola recibe en los EE. UU. en virtud del Marco de Privacidad de Datos. Para obtener más información sobre el programa Marco de Privacidad de Datos y ver nuestra certificación, visite

Para solicitar información sobre nuestras cláusulas contractuales tipo u otras salvaguardas para transferencias transfronterizas de información personal, envíe un correo electrónico a


Podemos actualizar esta Política de privacidad cuando lo consideremos oportuno en respuesta a circunstancias legales, técnicas o comerciales cambiantes. La versión más actual siempre está disponible a través de los Servicios.

Cuando actualicemos esta Política de privacidad, publicaremos la versión actualizada y cambiaremos la Fecha de entrada en vigencia indicada al inicio del presente. También tomaremos las medidas adecuadas para informarle con anticipación sobre los cambios significativos que creemos que tienen incidencia sobre sus derechos de privacidad para que tenga la oportunidad de revisar la Política de privacidad modificada antes de que entre en vigencia. Si las leyes de privacidad correspondientes exigen su consentimiento, obtendremos su consentimiento para los cambios antes de que la Política de privacidad revisada se aplique a usted. Revise periódicamente esta Política de privacidad para asegurarse de conocer la versión actualizada.


Personal information that is collected from you is required for you to have access to the Services. Failure to provide this personal information may prevent you from accessing or using any or all of the Services. Under the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPIA), personal information of juristic persons also is protected; therefore, in the event that apps or website are accessed on behalf of a juristic person, personal information of such juristic person should be protected.

Direct Marketing

All electronic direct marketing communication will be sent to you (until you opt out) when:

  • you consent to receive direct marketing communication in accordance with POPIA; or
  • we received your personal information in connection with the sale of any of our products or services to you so that we can communicate with you about our other products or services. You can choose to opt out of receiving these marketing communications at the time by using the “unsubscribe” link or contacting us at using the contact information below.

Your Rights

You have the right to make the following requests about your personal information:

  • to ask whether Coca‑Cola holds personal information about you, free of charge
  • to request a record or a description of your personal information that Coca‑Cola holds about you in accordance with the process set out in the PAIA Manual accessible at
  • to request that Coca‑Cola update or correct inaccurate or incomplete personal information about you
  • to request that Coca‑Cola stops using your personal information for any reason
  • to object to the processing of your personal information
  • to request that Coca‑Cola deletes your personal information
  • to request that Coca‑Cola restrict how your personal information is used, shared and otherwise processed
  • to request that Coca‑Cola transmit a copy of your personal information to you or to a third party selected by you.

We may (and in some cases are required to) verify your identity before we can act on your request to exercise your privacy rights.

How to contact us to exercise your privacy rights

To exercise your privacy rights, please contact Coca‑Cola using one of these options:

  • phone: 0860112526
  • write: Coca‑Cola Africa (Proprietary) Limited, Oxford and Glenhove, 116 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198 att: Legal Team.

You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Regulator (South Africa)

Other Processing Details

We also automatically collect the following information:

  •  Behavioral Data: Information derived from the combination of the device ID and the system events that may be used to identify behavioral trends and patterns and send you marketing communications related to the events you have participated in, subject to direct marketing requirements in terms of POPIA such as obtaining your prior consent.
  • Participation Data: Personal information pertaining to a data subject’s participation in a promotional competition, prize, poll, instant win promotion, contest and other types of promotions (e.g. type of promotion, date and time of participation to the promotion, outcome of the participation to the promotion, information required for prize fulfillment).
  • Analytics information: We may collect analytics data, or use third-party analytics tools such as Google Analytics, to help us measure traffic and usage trends for the Services and to understand more about the demographics and behaviors of our users.

We also permit third-party online advertising networks, social media companies and other third-party services to collect information about the user’s use of the Services over time so that they may play or display ads on the Services used by the user and on other devices the user may use

The Services may include social media features, such as the Facebook like button, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter or other widgets. These social media companies may recognize the user and collect information about the user’s visit to the Services, and they may set a cookie or employ other tracking technologies. The user’s interactions with those features are governed by the privacy policies of those companies which we do not have control over. We display targeted advertising to the user through social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and others with the user’s prior consent. Facebook, Twitter, Google have interest-based advertising programs that allow us to direct advertisements to users who have shown interest in the Services while those users are on the social media platform, or to groups of other users who share similar traits, such as likely commercial interests and demographics. These advertisements are governed by the privacy policies of those social media companies that provide them.

For some of the Services, we use third-party tools to monitor user experience information. These tools automatically collect usage information, including mouse clicks and movements, page scrolling and any text keyed into website forms. The information collected does not include passwords, payment details, or other sensitive personal information. We use this information for site analytics, optimization and to improve website usability. We do not permit this information to be shared with or used by third parties for their own purposes.

Our online and email advertising-related vendors may use pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs or other similar technologies in connection with the Services to help manage our online and email advertising campaigns and strengthen the effectiveness of such campaigns. For example, if a vendor has placed a unique cookie on the user’s computer, the vendor may use pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs or other similar technologies to recognize the cookie during the user’s visit to the Services and to learn which of our online advertisements may have brought the user to the Services, and the vendor may provide us with such other information for our use. We may link such other information provided to us by our vendors to Personal information about the user that we have previously collected.

We may use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisements on the Services. These companies may use information (not including the user’s name, address, email address or telephone number) about a user’s visits to the Services to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to the user.

We may link or combine the user’s activities and information collected from the user through the Services with information we collect automatically through tracking technologies. This allows us to provide the user with a personalized experience regardless of how the user interacts with us through the Services.


  • Residents of Kenya

As provided to individuals in Kenya, the Services do not collect, store or read the location data through GPS, Wi-Fi or wireless network triangulation. An anonymized, randomly generated app ID is collected and used to detect user proximity to points of sales and send location-specific promotional messages and discounts offered in nearby locations.

While your personal information is generally stored on a central consumer database on servers located in Australia, Coca‑Cola also may store your personal information on our affiliates’ and suppliers’ systems in other countries, such as the United States of America, New Zealand, Singapore and others, as necessary from time to time.

We require third parties storing personal information to comply with Australian privacy laws and this Privacy Policy, and to only use your personal information for the purposes for which it has supplied.

If you wish to access or correct your personal information or have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or if you are concerned your privacy may have been breached, please contact us by any of the following means:

Phone: Call our Consumer Information Centre on 1800 025 123 (within Australia)
Post: Attn: Privacy Officer
Coca Cola South Pacific Pty Limited
GPO Box 388
North Sydney, NSW 2059
Online: Use the “Contact Us” section at and indicate that your query relates to “privacy”.

We will respond to you as soon as we are able and in any event within 30 days after receipt of your initial request.

If Coca‑Cola has valid reasons not to honor your request relating to your personal information, we will provide you with a written explanation and the mechanisms you can follow if you wish to complain about the refusal.

The controller of your personal information is:
Coca Cola South Pacific Pty Limited
Phone: Call our Consumer Information Centre on 1800 025 123 (within Australia)
Post: Attn: Privacy Officer
Coca Cola South Pacific Pty Limited
GPO Box 388
North Sydney, NSW 2059

Data Protection Regulator:
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Post: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001
Address: 175 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 1300 363 992
Fax : 61 2 9284 9666

The controller of your personal information is: Representative Office of Coca‑Cola Southeast Asia, Inc., #287, National Road 5, Mittapheap Village, Russey Keo District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are age 13 or older. You also confirm that, if you are between age 13 years and age 18 years, you have obtained consent from your parent or legal guardian according to the terms and conditions of the promotion.

Coca‑Cola collects, uses, and discloses Personal Information for the purposes identified in our Privacy Policy and for any additional purposes, as permitted by law, with notice to you and your express or, where permitted, implied consent.

You have certain rights in respect of your information. To access or correct your Personal Information, please complete the form at the following link: Please note we may verify your identity before we can act on your request.

For residents of Quebec: The person in charge of the protection of personal information about individuals residing in Quebec is Larissa Barbara Lourenco, who can be contacted by email at

The controller of your personal information is Coca‑Cola Ltd. (CCL). CCL is the indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of TCCC (incorporated under federal Canadian law).

When you purchase or use products and use the Services (including WeChat official accounts, mini programs/H5 interfaces) provided by Coca‑Cola in mainland China, (collectively "Services"), we may collect and process your personal information in accordance with the following terms. In addition to these terms, there might be service/product-specific policies. In case of any conflict, the terms in our service/product-specific policy will prevail for the processing of personal information covered under the relevant service/product-specific policy.

Types of Personal Information Coca‑Cola Collects in China

Personal information refers to various types of electronic or otherwise recorded information related to identified or identifiable natural persons, excluding anonymized information.

In order to provide services with you, we may collect the following personal information from or about you:

  • Basic personal information, which may include your name, date of birth, gender, address, personal phone number, and email address; and if you use our Services through a third-party account (such as WeChat), we may also collect your nickname, profile picture and other information about you at the third-party platform;
  • Personal identity information, which may include your ID card or other identity documents;
  • Online identity information, which may include your account number used for logging into our system, IP address, email address, and related password, token, password security answer, personal digital certificate for user authentication;
  • Information about frequently used devices, which may include the information describing the general conditions of such frequently used devices, including hardware serial number, device MAC address, software list, unique device identifier (such as IMEI/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID, SIM card IMSI information;
  • Personal location information, which may include your whereabouts track, and precise location information;
  • Other personal information, which may include photo, video, voice recording, personal hobbies, consumption habits and order information.

Among these categories of personal information that we collect from you, certain information (e.g., your ID card and precise location information) may be identified as sensitive personal information under the applicable Chinese laws. We will only process such sensitive personal information for the purposes disclosed in the section “WHAT TYPES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION DOES COCA-COLA COLLECT AND WHY?” above, to the extent permissible under the applicable Chinese laws, and will take strict security protection measures for such sensitive personal information.

Data Sharing

We will only share personal information necessary for the purposes disclosed in the section “WHAT TYPES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION DOES COCA-COLA COLLECT AND WHY?” above. The processing methods of these third parties may include collection, use, storage and deletion.

  • Affiliates of Coca‑Cola and bottlers

In order to provide you with various marketing information, promotion events and interactive games, we may provide affiliates of Coca‑Cola, and our bottlers with your personal information, such as your basic personal information, personal identity information and personal location information.

  • Business partners

In order to provide you with various marketing information, promotion events and interactive games, we may share your personal information with business partners that we cooperate with. The personal information that we may share with business partners may include your member account information, personal identity information, order information, personal location information and device information.

  • Service vendors

Certain modules or functions in the business functions of the Services are provided by external vendors, and thus we may share your personal information with such service vendors, including our advertisement providers, research and analysis service providers, third-party payment institutions, logistics service providers, short-message service providers, and third-party service providers issuing electronic invoice. The personal information we may share with these service vendors include your basic personal information, online identity information, and other personal information. For vendors that we entrust to process your personal information, we will sign strict data protection agreements with them, requiring them to process your personal information in accordance with our requirements, this Privacy Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. We will record and store the entrusted processing of your personal information.

If Coca‑Cola needs to transfer your personal information due to merger, division, dissolution, declaration of bankruptcy, etc., we will inform you the recipient’s name and contact information and require the recipient to continue performing its duties as a personal information processing entity and continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy, otherwise the recipient will obtain your consent again.


How We Process Personal Information of Minors in China

The Services are mainly for adults. If you are a minor, we ask you to have your parent or guardian carefully read this Privacy Policy. Please only use the Services or provide information to us if your parent or guardian provides consent.

For the collection of personal information of minors with parental consent, we will only use or publicly disclose such information when permitted by law, based on the parent or guardian’s explicit consent, or where it is necessary to protect minors. We will strictly follow the requirements in the Personal Information Protection Law and the Children’s Personal Information Network Protection Regulations.

If we discover that we collect any minor’s personal information without prior verifiable consent from their parent or guardian, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

International Data Transfers

In principle, the personal information we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored in the territory of the People's Republic of China.

If we need to transfer your personal information outside of China, we will obtain your separate consent before the transfer. We will use lawful transfer mechanism permitted by laws and regulations before transferring your personal information overseas and will take necessary measures to ensure that the processing of personal information by overseas recipients meets the personal information protection standards stipulated by applicable Chinese laws.

Your Rights

  • Access. You have the right to access your personal information, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
  • Correct Your Personal Information. When you find that the personal information we process about you is incorrect, you have the right to request us to make corrections.
  • Delete Your Personal Information. In the following circumstances, if Coca‑Cola does not actively delete your personal information, you have the right to request us to delete your personal information:

- The purpose of processing has been achieved, is impossible to be achieved, or it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of processing;

- We stop providing services, or the retention period ends;

- You have withdrawn your consent;

- Coca‑Cola violates laws, administrative regulations, or agreements while processing your personal information.

When you delete information from our service, we may not be able to delete corresponding information in the backup system immediately due to restrictions of applicable law and security technology. But we will safely retain your personal information and restrict any processing of it until it can be cleared in the backup system.

  • Change the Scope of Your Authorization or Withdraw Your Authorization. The operation of each business function requires some basic personal information. For collecting and using additional personal information, you may provide or withdraw your authorization and consent at any time. You may also choose to cancel or close certain functions.
  • Cancel Your Account. You may cancel the registered account at any time. After receiving your application to cancel your account, we cannot guarantee that the corresponding information will be deleted from the backup system immediately. However, such information will be deleted when the backup system is updated unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
  • Obtain Copy of Personal Information. You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information. Subject to conditions stipulated by the national cyberspace administration, we can also directly transmit a copy of your personal information to a third party designated by you at your request.

If you want to exercise the rights mentioned above, please send an email to To ensure safety, you may need to prove your identity by providing a written request or other means. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request.


The controller for the personal information collected in connection with use of the Services in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and United Kingdom is NV Coca‑Cola Services SA, a company with registered office at Chaussée de Mons 1424, 1070 Brussels.


Coca‑Cola’s processing of your personal information is described above in this Privacy Policy, including:

  • Personal information collected and why it is collected (Section 2)
  • How Coca‑Cola uses your personal information (Section 4) and shares your personal information (Section 6)
  • How long Coca‑Cola retains your personal information (Section 8)

Legal Bases for Coca‑Cola’s Processing

The legal bases for Coca‑Cola’s processing of your personal information depend on the context in which the personal information is collected and processed. Generally, we only collect personal information when (i) Coca‑Cola needs the personal information to perform a contract with you (such as our terms of use), in which case we will advise you whether providing your personal information is mandatory and the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information;

(ii) when we have consent to do so (which consent you can withdraw at any time using the contact information below); or

(iii) when the processing is in our legitimate business interests and not overridden by the privacy or other fundamental rights and freedoms of users (such as when we process personal information to prevent fraudulent use of the Services).

(iv) if we collect and use personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), this interest is to provide the Services and communicate with you about the Services and for responding to queries, improving the Services, advising users about new features or maintenance or undertaking marketing activities and similar commercial interests to make the Services available for you. We may have other legitimate interests and if appropriate we will make clear our legitimate interests at the relevant time.

In some cases, we also may have a legal obligation to collect personal information from users. If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether providing your personal information is mandatory and the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information.

If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us at

Cookie Policy

In the EEA, Switzerland and UK, Coca‑Cola has a cookie policy separate from this Privacy Policy. Please check the Coca‑Cola website that you use for more information.

Data Subjects Rights

To the extent provided under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to personal information concerning you:

  • Right of access your personal information
  • Right to rectification (i.e., correction, update)
  • Right to erasure
  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right to data portability (i.e., receive an electronic copy of your personal information for purposes of transmitting it to another organization)
  • Right to withdraw consent at any time

If you would like to access, correct, update, suppress, restrict, object to or delete personal information that you have previously provided to Coca‑Cola as or if you would like to receive an electronic copy of your personal information for purposes of transmitting it to another company (where this right to portability is provided to you by law), please submit your request to us as follows:

  • Complete the One Trust form available here: privacyportal
  • By post at this address: Consumer Interaction Centre, PO Box 73229, London E14 1RP
  • Our EU Data Protection Officer is available at:

In your request, please make clear what personal information you would like to have changed, whether you would like to have your personal information suppressed from our database or other limitations you would like to put on our use of your personal information. For your protection, we verify your identity and geographic residency before fulfilling your request. We will comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable and within the time periods required by applicable law.

Please also see our Data Privacy Framework Privacy Policy, which describes how Coca‑Cola handles personal data that Coca‑Cola receives in the U.S. from the EU, UK and Switzerland in reliance on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce (collectively, the DPF Framework). If the terms in this Privacy Policy and the DPF Privacy Policy conflict, then the DPF Privacy Policy governs with respect to personal information that Coca‑Cola receives in the U.S. under the DPF Framework. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework program and to view our certification, please visit

Please note that we often need to retain certain personal information for recordkeeping purposes and/or to complete any transaction that you began prior to submitting your request (e.g., when you make a purchase or enter a promotion, you may not be able to change or delete the personal information provided until after the completion of the purchase or promotion). We also may not delete certain personal information for legal reasons.

How to Contact Data Protection Authorities

EU Data Protection Authorities
You have a right to lodge a complaint about how we process your personal information with the appropriate EU data protection authority. Please click here for more information.

Switzerland’s Data Protection Regulator
Office of the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC)
Feldeggweg 1
CH - 3003 Berne
Tel: 41 (0)58 462 43 95 (mon.-fri., 10-12 am)
Telefax: 41 (0)58 465 99 96

United Kingdom’s Data Protection Regulator
Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Fax: 01625 524510

Coca‑Cola may transfer personal information across borders to any of the places outside of Hong Kong where Coca‑Cola and our suppliers and partners do business. Other jurisdictions may have data protection laws that are different from (and, in some cases, less protective) than the laws in Hong Kong.

By using the Services (including our Services and Apps), you consent to the transfer of your personal information to places outside of Hong Kong, and you acknowledge that such places may have data protection laws that are different from (and, in some cases, less protective) than those in Hong Kong.

Data Subjects Rights

To the extent provided under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) in Hong Kong, you have the following rights with respect to personal information concerning you:

  • check whether Coca‑Cola hold information about you and to access such information;
  • require Coca‑Cola to correct any data relating to you which is inaccurate; and
  • ascertain Coca‑Cola policies and practices in relation to information and to be informed of the types of personal information held by Coca‑Cola.

As permitted under the PDPO, Coca‑Cola have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. The person at Coca‑Cola to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding the policies and practices of and types of data held by us should be addressed to:

System Administrator

(via mail)
Coca‑Cola China Limited
24/F, Cambridge House,
Taikoo Place,
979 King's Road,
Quarry Bay,
Hong Kong

The applicable law governing this Privacy Policy is Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDPA), Information Technology Act, 2000 and Reasonable Security Practices And Procedures And Sensitive Personal Data Or Information Rules, 2011, except as respect things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, issued under the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Email Address of the Grievance Officer appointed by Coca Cola India Private Limited (CCIPL):

Registered Office of CCIPL: Plot No. 1109-1110, Village Pirangut, Taluka Mulshi, Distt. Pune Corporate Office of CCIPL: 1601-1701, One Horizon Center, DLF Golf Course Road, Phase V, Sector 43, Gurgaon, Haryana

Rights of Data Principals

Under the DPDPA, you have the following rights:

  • Right to seek information on the personal data being processed, the processing activities, and identities of all the data fiduciaries and processors that their data has been shared with;
  • Can ask data fiduciaries to correct or erase your personal data;
  • Right to nominate an individual to exercise rights on your behalf in the event of death or incapacitation.
  • Right to avail grievance redressal mechanisms from the Data Fiduciaries.

Obligations of Data Fiduciaries under the DPDPA

We the Data Fiduciaries have the following obligations, including but not limited to these listed herein, towards you:

  • We are responsible for compliance for any processing undertaken on our behalf by a Data Processor.
  • We will delete personal data, and/or cause our data processor to delete it, if you withdraw your consent or if it is reasonable to assume that the specified purpose is no longer being served. However, we will retain the data, if required by law.
  • We are responsible for reporting personal data breaches. Under DPDPA, personal data breach is broadly defined to include any ‘unauthorised processing’ or ‘accidental disclosure’ of personal data that compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of personal data.

Privacy Policy is linked here in

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 13 years of age or older. You also confirm that if you are between 13 years of age but under 21 years of age, you have obtained consent from your parents or legal guardian to participate in such activities according to the terms and conditions of the promotion and the privacy policy.

Coca‑Cola maintains and implements personal information protection policies and procedures.

You understand and agree that Coca‑Cola may transfer your personal data to a country outside of Indonesia. We will coordinate with the relevant authority before the transfer and where applicable, transfer of information to other jurisdiction will be done to a country with a data protection policy that is equal or stricter to the data protection regulation in Indonesia.

Coca‑Cola will inform you regarding a data breach involving your personal information as required by applicable law.

The controller of your personal information is: PT Coca‑Cola Indonesia South Quarter Tower B, Penthouse Floor, Jl. R. A. Kartini Kav. 8, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan

If you believe that Coca‑Cola’s personal information processing violates applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No.9, RT.2/RW.3, Gambir, Kecamatan Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10110
Phone: (+62-21) 159

Please see our separate privacy policy for residents of Japan available at if any provisions of this Privacy Policy are inconsistent with the provisions of the privacy policy for residents of Japan, the privacy policy for residents of Japan shall prevail.

  • Residentes de Argentina

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  • Información
  • Acceso
  • Actualización o rectificación
  • Eliminación

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando una solicitud a o Servicios y Productos para Bebidas Refrescantes SRL – Vedia 4090 – C.A.B.A. – Argentina - A la atención de: Responsable de Bases de Datos.

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Adjunte también una copia de su Documento Nacional de Identidad. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Los representantes legales deben adjuntar la documentación que demuestre la validez de la representación legal. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

El responsable del tratamiento de su información personal es: Servicios y Productos para Bebidas Refrescantes SRL, Vedia 4090 – CABA – Argentina.


  • Residents of Brazil

To the extent provided under the privacy laws applicable to you, you have the following rights with respect to your personal information:

  • Information
  • Confirmation of Processing
  • Access
  • Rectification
  • Deletion
  • Data Portability
  • Objection to Processing
  • Restriction of Processing

You can exercise your privacy rights by sending an email to, or completing the form at Privacy Web Form. You can also send a request via post to Praia de Botafogo, 374, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, ZIP Code: 22.250-907, attn: Larissa Lourenço.

In your request, please make clear the personal information to which your request relates. For your protection, we may verify your identity and geographic residency before fulfilling your request. We will comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable.

The controller of your personal information is: Recofarma Indústria do Amazonas Ltda.

The Data Protection Officer is: Larissa Lourenço

Data Protection Regulator:
Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados


  • Residentes de Ecuador

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  • Información
  • Acceso
  • Actualización o rectificación
  • Eliminación
  • Restricción del tratamiento
  • Objeción al tratamiento
  • No se someterá a la toma de decisiones automatizada
  • Portabilidad de datos

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

El responsable del tratamiento de su información personal es:
Coca‑Cola de Ecuador S.A.
República de El Salvador N36.230 y Naciones Unidas. Edificio Citibank Piso 1. Quito, Ecuador
Tel.: 593 2 382 622


  • Residentes de Colombia

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  • Información
  • Acceso
  • Actualización o rectificación
  • Restricción del tratamiento
  • Eliminación

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

El responsable del tratamiento de su información personal es: Coca‑Cola Bebidas de Colombia S.A., AK45 #103-60. Piso 8, Bogotá, Colombia.

Regulador de protección de datos:
Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC)
Carrera 13 N.º 27 - 00, Pisos 1 y 3 Línea Gratuita Nacional: 01 8000 910165
Correo electrónico:


  • Residentes de Costa Rica

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  •  Acceso
  • Rectificación
  • Borrado

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

El responsable del tratamiento de su información personal es:

Coca‑Cola Industrias SRL, Plaza Tempo, Oficinas Corporativas, Escazú, San José, Costa Rica

Regulador de protección de datos:
Agencia de Protección de Datos de los Habitantes (PRODHAB)
San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Alameda, Avenida 7 y calle 49, edificio Da Vinci.


  • Residentes de Chile

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  • Información
  • Acceso
  • Rectificación
  • Eliminación
  • Restricción al tratamiento

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

El responsable del tratamiento de su información personal es: Recofarma Indústria do Amazonas Ltda.


  • Residentes de República Dominicana

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  • Acceso
  • Rectificación
  • Eliminación
  • Objeción al tratamiento

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

El responsable del tratamiento de su información personal es:
Distrito La Hispaniola Compañía de Servicios, S.R.L.,
Avenida Núñez de Cáceres esquina Rómulo Betancourt, Downtown Center Bella Vista, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
A la atención de: Santiago Carrasco


  • Residentes de México

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  • Información
  • Acceso
  • Rectificación
  • Eliminación
  • Objeción al tratamiento

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

El responsable del tratamiento de su información personal es:
Servicios Integrados de Administración y Alta Gerencia, S. de R.L de C.V., The Coca‑Cola Export Corporation, Sucursal en México, Rubén Darío 115, Col. Bosque de Chapultepec, CP 11580, CDMX.
Tel.: +5255.5262.200

Regulador de protección de datos:
Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales


  • Residentes de Perú

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  • Información
  • Acceso
  • Rectificación
  • Eliminación
  • Restricción del tratamiento
  • Objeción al tratamiento

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

El responsable del tratamiento de su información personal es:
Coca‑Cola Servicios de Perú, S.A., República de Panamá 4050 Surquillo. Lima, Perú,
Tel.: (511) 411-4200

Regulador de protección de datos:
Autoridad Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales
Scipión Llona 350 Miraflores - Lima - Perú
Correo electrónico:


  • Residentes de Uruguay

En la medida en que lo dispongan las leyes de privacidad aplicables a usted, usted tiene los siguientes derechos con respecto a su información personal:

  • Información
  • Acceso
  • Rectificación
  • Eliminación
  • No se someterá a la toma de decisiones automatizada

Puede ejercer sus derechos de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a

En su solicitud, indique con claridad la información personal con la que se relaciona su solicitud. Para su protección, podemos verificar su identidad y residencia geográfica antes de cumplir con su solicitud. Cumpliremos con su solicitud lo antes posible dentro de lo razonable.

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity.

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 13 years of age or older. You also confirm that if you are between 13 years of age but under 18 years of age, you have obtained consent from your parents or legal guardian to participate in such activities according to the terms and conditions of the promotion and the privacy policy.

Rights of the Data Subject

In addition to the rights mentioned above, applicants also have the right to be notified as required under the applicable laws in the event of data breach.

Data Breach

In the event of a data breach, organisations must take steps to assess if it is notifiable. If the data breach likely results in significant harm to individuals, and/or is of significant scale, organizations are required to notify the Personal Data Protection Commissioner (PDPC) and the affected individuals as soon as practicable.

The controller of your personal information is: Coca‑Cola Far East Limited (Malaysia Branch) 8/F Menara Shell Kuala Lumpur Sentral, No 211 Jalan Tun Sambanthan 50470, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

If you believe that Coca‑Cola’s personal information processing violates the applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with:
Department of Personal Data Protection

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 13 years of age or older. You also confirm that if you are between 13 years of age but under 18 years of age, you have obtained consent from your parents or legal guardian to participate in such activities according to the terms and conditions of the promotion and the privacy policy.

The controller of your personal information is: Coca‑Cola Limited. No. 3/A Bogyoke Aung Sain Road, Level 14 Junction City Tower, Suite No. 16 - 19, Pabedan Township, Yangon, Myanmar

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 15 years of age or older.

The controller of your personal information is: Coca‑Cola Oceania Limited.
Privacy Officer:
Phone: 0800 505 123
Post: Attn: Privacy Officer
Coca Cola South Pacific Pty Limited
GPO Box 388
North Sydney, NSW 2059, Australia

If you believe that Coca‑Cola’s personal information processing violates the applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Address: PO Box 10 094, Wellington 6143
New Zealand
0800 803 909

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 13 years of age or older. You also confirm that if you are between 13 years of age but under 18 years of age, you have obtained consent from your parents or legal guardian to participate in such activities according to the terms and conditions of the promotion and the privacy policy.

The controller of your personal information is: Coca‑Cola Papua New Guinea Limited. c/o Ashurst PNG, Level 11 MRDC Haus, Cnr of Musgrave Street and Champion Parade, Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea

If you believe that Coca‑Cola’s personal information processing violates applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with:
National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA)
Phone: (675) 303 3200

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 13 years of age or older. You also confirm that if you are between 13 years of age but under 18 years of age, you have obtained consent from your parents or legal guardian to participate in such activities according to the terms and conditions of the promotion and the privacy policy.

Coca‑Cola does not collect full date of birth from consumers in the Philippines. Coca‑Cola will obtain parental consent when Coca‑Cola is knowingly processing personal information of consumers under age 18.

The controllers of your personal information are: Coca‑Cola Far East Ltd. (Philippines Regional Operating Headquarters) 24th Floor, Six/NEO Bldg., 5th Ave cor. 26th Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig

The Coca‑Cola Export Corporation (Philippines Branch) 24th Floor Net Lima, Building 5th Avenue corner 26th Street Bonifacio Global City Taguig, Manila, 1634 Philippines
Data Privacy Officer

If you believe that Coca‑Cola’s personal information processing violates applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with:
National Privacy Commission
Address: 5th Floor Delegation Building, PICC Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila.

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 13 years of age or older. You also confirm that if you are between 13 years of age but under 18 years of age, you have obtained consent from your parent or legal guardian to participate in activities according to the terms and conditions of the promotion and the privacy policy.

Rights of the Data Subject

In addition to the rights as mentioned above, employees also have the right to be notified as required under the applicable laws in the event of data breach.

Data Breach

In the event of a data breach, Coca‑Cola must take steps to assess if it is notifiable. If the data breach likely results in significant harm to individuals, and/or is of significant scale, organizations are required to notify the Personal Data Protection Commission and the affected employees as soon as practicable.

The controllers of your personal information are: Pacific Refreshments Pte Ltd and Coca‑Cola Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.

Pacific Refreshments Pte Ltd 1 Harbourfront Avenue, 4th floor Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632

Data Privacy Officer

If you believe that Coca‑Cola’s personal information processing violates applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with:
Personal Data Protection Commission Singapore
Address: 10 Pasir Panjang Road, #03-01 Mapletree Business City Singapore 117438

Coca‑Cola may transfer personal information across borders to any of the places outside of Taiwan where Coca‑Cola and our suppliers and partners do business. Other jurisdictions may have data protection laws that are different from (and, in some cases, less protective) than the laws in Taiwan.

By using Coca‑Cola’s Services (including our WebServices and Apps), you consent to the transfer of your personal information to places outside of Taiwan, and you acknowledge that such places may have data protection laws that are different from (and, in some cases, less protective) than those in Taiwan.

 Rights of the Data Subject

To the extent provided under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Taiwan, you have the following rights with respect to personal information concerning you:

  • check whether Coca‑Cola hold information about you and to access such information;
  • require Coca‑Cola to correct any data relating to you which is inaccurate;
  • require Coca‑Cola to provide you with the copies of your personal data;
  • require Coca‑Cola to stop collecting, processing and using your personal data;
  • require Coca‑Cola to delete your personal data; and
  • ascertain Coca‑Cola’s policies and practices in relation to information and to be informed of the types of personal information held by Coca‑Cola.

As permitted under the PDPA, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. Requests for access to your personal data or correction of your personal data or for information regarding the policies and practices of and types of personal data held by us should be addressed to or via mail to:
System Administrator
Coca‑Cola China Limited
24/F, Cambridge House,
Taikoo Place,
979 King's Road,
Quarry Bay,
Hong Kong

The Thailand Personal Data Protection Act of 2019 applies to the processing of personal information of residents of Thailand.

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 13 years of age or older, have Thai nationality, and have a domicile in Thailand. If it is later found that you are younger than 13 years of age, we have the right to revoke any rewards due to non-compliance with terms and conditions of the promotion. You also confirm that if you are between 13 years of age but under 20 years of age, you have obtained consent from your parents or legal guardian to participate in such activities according to the terms and conditions of the promotion and the privacy policy.

The controller of your personal information is: Coca‑Cola (Thailand) Ltd. No. 214, 2nd-3rd Floors, Thai Namthip Building (North Park Project), Mu 5, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Thung Song Hong Sub-district, Lak Si District, Bangkok, Thailand. Please contact with questions.

Following is a summary of your data protections rights:

Your right of access to personal information

You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether we process personal information about you, receive a copy of your personal information held by us as a controller and obtain certain other information about how and why we process your personal information.

Your right to rectification/amendment of personal information

You have the right to request your personal information to be amended or rectified where it is inaccurate (for example, if you change your name or address) and to have incomplete personal information completed. When practically possible, once we are informed that any personal information processed by us is no longer accurate, we will make updates as appropriate based on your updated information.

Your right to erasure/right to be forgotten

You have the right to obtain deletion of your personal information in the following cases:

  • The personal information is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected and processed.
  • Our legal grounds for processing is consent, you withdraw consent, and we have no other lawful basis for the processing.
  • Our legal grounds for processing is that the processing is necessary for legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party, you object to our processing, and we do not have overriding legitimate grounds.
  • You object to our processing for direct marketing purposes.
  • Your personal information has been unlawfully processed.
  • Your personal information must be erased to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject.

Your right to restrict processing

You have the right to restrict our processing of your personal information in the following cases:

  • You contest the accuracy of the personal information we process about you. We must restrict processing the contested information until we can verify the accuracy of your personal information.
  • The personal information shall be erased or destroyed, but you request the restriction of the use of that personal information instead.
  • It is no longer necessary to retain the personal information for the purposes of the collection, but you request us to retain that personal information for the purposes of the establishment, compliance, or exercise of legal claims, or the defense of legal claims.
  • The personal information is pending verification of legitimate grounds to process it, of its necessity for legal claims (establishment, compliance, exercise, or defense), or of its necessity for us to perform a task in public interest.

Your right to object to processing

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal information in the following cases:

  • the personal information was collected for the necessity of:

- the performance of a task carried out in the public interest by us, or the exercising of official authority vested in us, and legitimate interests of Coca‑Cola;

- the collection, use, or disclosure of such personal information is for the purpose of direct marketing;

- the collection, use, or disclosure of the personal information for the purpose of scientific, historical or statistic research.

We reserve the right to refuse your request if we can prove that (i) there is compelling legitimate grounds for processing this personal information, or it is necessary for the establishment, compliance, exercise or defense of legal claims or (ii) the processing of your personal information for the purpose of scientific, historical or statistic research is necessary to performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest.

Your right to information portability

You have a right to receive your personal information you provided us and have the right to send the information to another organization (or ask us to do so if technically feasible) where:

  • our lawful basis for processing the personal information is consent or necessity for the performance of our contract with you and
  • the processing is carried out by automated means.

Your right to withdraw consent

Where we process personal information based on consent, individuals have a right to withdraw consent at any time. We do not generally process personal information based on consent (as we can usually rely on another legal basis).

If you believe that Coca‑Cola’s personal information processing violates applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with:

Thailand Personal Data Protection Commission
Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
Address: No. 120, Moo 3, The Government Complex, Tower B, Changwattana Road, Lak Si, Bangkok, Thailand, Bangkok
Tel: 662-142-1033, 662-141-6993

Coca‑Cola provides you with the option to review, correct, update, or modify personal information you have previously provided. To exercise these rights, please:

In your request, please make clear what personal information you would like to have changed, whether you would like to have your personal information suppressed from our database or other limitations you would like to put on our use of your personal information. For your protection, we may need to verify your identity and geographic residency before fulfilling your request. We will comply with your request as soon as reasonably practicable and within the time periods required by applicable law.

Throughout this section for Residents of the United States, we use the following terms with the following meanings:

  • Consumer (or you) means an individual acting in a personal or household context who uses the Services and, for California residents, individuals acting in a business-to-business context.
  • U.S. Privacy Laws means the Colorado Privacy Act; Connecticut's Act Concerning Personal Data Privacy and Online Monitoring; Utah Consumer Privacy Act; Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act; and similar laws enacted from time to time in other U.S. states, each as amended, repealed, consolidated or replaced from time to time.

If you have an account with us, you also may make certain requests directly through your account profile page. Please note that changes you make on your account profile page through the Services may not always be reflected on parts of the Services operated by us.


Residents of California. This California Privacy Notice (California Privacy Notice) applies to Coca‑Cola’s processing of personal information of residents of the U.S. State of California (California Consumers) as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended (CCPA). This "Residents of California" section contains our Notice at Collection under CCPA.

If you are a California Consumer, this California Privacy Notice is designed to help you understand the categories of personal information that we collect about you, where we get that personal information, why we process it, who we share it with, and the rights you have to know and control your personal information. If this California Privacy Notice and any provision in the rest of our Privacy Policy conflict, then this California Privacy Notice controls for the processing of personal information of California Consumers. This California Privacy Notice does not apply to Coca‑Cola’s employees, contractors, contingent workers, or job applicants.

In this "Residents of California" section, Business Purposes means performing the Services; managing and processing interactions and transactions with California Consumers; securing and debugging the Services; advertising and marketing; quality assurance; research and development; and other business purposes as may be defined in CCPA from time to time; and Service Providers means organizations that process personal information on behalf of Coca‑Cola and contractors and other organizations with which Coca‑Cola shares personal information pursuant to a contract for Business Purposes. 


For CCPA purposes, Coca‑Cola generally acts as a “Business” with respect to your personal information, which means that Coca‑Cola determines how and why the personal information that Coca‑Cola collects from or about you is handled. (A “Business” is similar to a “controller” which is defined in the preamble to this Privacy Policy.)

This Notice at Collection of personal information describes our personal information collection practices when we are acting as the Business, including a list of the categories of personal information we collect, the purposes for which we collect personal information and the sources from which we collect personal information.

This Notice at Collection covers the twelve (12) months prior to the "Last Updated" date above. This Notice at Collection is updated at least once per year. If this Notice at Collection conflicts with the Privacy Policy, this Notice at Collection will govern as to California Consumers, unless expressly stated otherwise. If Coca‑Cola’s processing materially changes between updates to this Notice at Collection, Coca‑Cola will provide a supplemental notice when or before the changes apply.

Although we already explain what personal information we collect and why above in this Privacy Policy, the CCPA requires that we make certain disclosures using the categories of personal information used in the definition of personal information in the CCPA.

In the preceding 12 months, Coca‑Cola has collected the following categories of personal information:

Category: Identifiers
Source: Directly from you
Purpose: Performing the Services of Advertising and Marketing
Third party recipients: service providers, including marketing vendors, data clean rooms, Affiliates and bottler partners, other third parties
Sold/Shared: Yes

Category: Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
Source: Directly from you
Purpose: Performing the Services of Advertising and Marketing
Third party recipients: Service providers, including marketing vendors, data clean rooms, Affiliates and bottler partners, other third parties
Sold/Shared: Yes

Category: Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
Source: Directly from you
Purpose: Performing the Services of Advertising and Marketing
Third party recipients: Service providers, including marketing vendors, data clean rooms, Affiliates and bottler partners, Other third parties
Sold/Shared: Yes

Category: Commercial information
Source: Directly from you
Purpose: Performing the Services
Third party recipients: Service providers, including marketing vendors, data clean rooms, Affiliates and bottler partners, Other third parties
Sold/Shared: Yes

Category: Biometric information, which is information about your physiological, biological or behavioral characteristics
Source: Coca‑Cola does not collect this information without your prior specific consent
Purpose: Coca‑Cola does not collect this information as of the Effective Date without your prior specific consent
Third party recipients: Service providers
Sold/Shared: No

Category: Internet or other electronic network activity
Source: Directly from you, Automatically collected during use of the Services
Purpose: Performing the Services
Third party recipients: Service providers, including marketing vendors, data clean rooms, Affiliates and bottler partners, Other third parties
Sold/Shared: Yes

Category: Geolocation data
Source: Directly from you, Automatically collected during use of the Services
Purpose: Performing the Services
Third party recipients: Service providers, Other third parties
Sold/Shared: Yes

Category: Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information
Source: Directly from you
Purpose: Performing the Services
Third party recipients: Service providers
Sold/Shared: Yes

Category: Professional or employment-related information
Source: Directly from you, From third parties
Purpose: Performing the Services, Advertising and Marketing
Third party recipients: Service providers, including marketing vendors, data clean rooms, Affiliates and bottler partners
Sold/Shared: Yes

Category: Inferences drawn from other categories to create a profile about a California Consumer     
Source: Coca‑Cola
Purpose: Advertising and Marketing
Third party recipients: Service providers, including marketing vendors, data clean rooms, Affiliates and bottler partners, other third parties
Sold/Shared: Yes

Generally, when we collect precise geolocation information or other personal information that is “sensitive” under California law, Our use of this personal information is to perform a Service you have requested and is consistent with the permitted business purposes in California Civil Code § 1798.100 et seq. and implementing regulations. We will collect your consent for any other use.

Coca‑Cola does not collect:

  • Government Issued Identification Numbers (e.g., social security, driver’s license, state identification card or passport number)
  • Non-public Education Records as defined in Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g; 34 C.F.R. Part 99), i.e., education records directly maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, schedules, identification codes, financial information or disciplinary records
  • Communication Content (e.g., the contents of a California Consumer's mail, email and text messages, other than when Coca‑Cola is the intended recipient of the communication)
  • Health Information (personal information collected and analyzed concerning a California Consumer's health, medical history, mental or physical health, diagnosis/condition and medical treatment)
  • Sex Life / Sexual Orientation (personal information collected and analyzed concerning a California Consumer's sex life or sexual orientation)

When we disclose personal information to third parties, we have no actual knowledge that we have sold or shared personal information collected from or about anyone under 16 years old.

Your California Consumer Privacy Rights

CCPA offers California Consumers the following key privacy rights:

  • Right to Access Information: You have the right to request access to personal information collected about you and information regarding the source of that information, the purposes for which we collect it and the third parties and service providers with whom we share it.

Categories: You may request any of the following for the period that is 12 months prior to the request date: (1) categories of personal information we have collected about you; (2) categories of sources from which we collected your personal information; (3) the business or commercial purposes for our collection, sale, sharing of your personal information; (4) the categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed your personal information; (5) a list of the categories of personal information disclosed for a business purpose, and, for each, the categories of recipients, or that no disclosure has occurred; and (6) a list of the categories of PI we have sold or shared about you, and, for each, the categories of recipients, or that no sale or sharing has occurred.

Specific Pieces: You may request to confirm if we are processing your personal information and, if we are, to obtain a transportable copy, subject to applicable request limits, of your personal information that we have collected and are maintaining, subject to certain limitations.

  • Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request that we delete certain personal information that we have collected from you.
  • Right to Correct: You have the right to correct inaccurate personal information about you. Note that correction requests are subject to certain limitations, and we may choose to delete rather than correct your personal information in some circumstances.
  • Right to Opt-Out of Sale of Personal Information to Third Parties: Our disclosure of your personal information to third party advertising and analytics providers may constitute a sale under certain state laws and, in California, may also constitute “sharing” (which is a term used to address the sharing of information for advertising purposes). To the extent that our use constitutes a sale or sharing of your personal information, you have the right to opt-out by (a) enabling an opt-out preference signal or Global Privacy Control on your browser which is recognized by our U.S.-facing websites, (b) opting-out of cookies in our cookie preference center, or (c) for non-cookie personal information (e.g., your email address), submitting an opt-out request at

You need to exercise a separate opt-out request on our cookie preference center by clicking on the "Cookies" link in the footer of This is because we use different technologies to apply preferences for opting out of cookie personal information vs. non-cookie personal information. Our cookie preference center enables you to exercise an opt-out request and enable certain cookie preferences on your browser / device. You must exercise your preferences from each browser you use and on each device that you use. Since your browser opt-out is designated by a cookie, if you clear or block cookies, your preferences are no longer effective and you must enable them again by clicking on the "Cookies" link in the footer of . If you use ad blocking software, our cookie preference center may not appear when you visit the Services and you may need to use the link above to access the cookie preference center.

  • Right to Limit Sensitive Personal Information Processing: Coca‑Cola will ask for your consent if we sensitive personal information for any purpose that is not exempt from consumer choice under the CCPA (e.g., to perform the services/provide the goods that you requested).
  • Right Against Discrimination: We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. We will not deny you goods or services for exercising your rights; charge you a different price or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or other benefits, or imposing penalties, because you exercised your rights; provide you a different level or quality of goods or services because you exercised your rights; or suggest that you may receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services as a result of exercising your rights.
  • Automated Decision Making / Profiling: We may engage in processing that may constitute automated decision making or profiling under the CCPA. You have the right to opt-out of certain types of automated decision making or profiling processing.

To submit a request to exercise your California privacy rights, please:

Please note:

  • We may (and in some cases are required to) verify your identity before we can act on your request to exercise your California privacy rights. After we receive and process your request, we will contact you using the email address provided in your request with instructions on how to verify your identify, after which we will check our records for matching information. 
  • We may not honor part or all your request – for example, certain information we collect may be exempt from this California Privacy Notice, such as public information made available by a government entity or information covered by a different privacy law. In these situations, we will explain why we do not honor your request when we respond to you.

Notice of Financial Incentive

We may offer discounts or other benefits to California Consumers enrolled in certain rewards or promotional programs, including but not limited to: (1) California Consumers can opt-in to email promotions from Coca‑Cola by submitting their email address through the Site. Additional terms and conditions are posted there. (2) California Consumers can snap and upload sip & scan codes to access rewards, sweepstakes and other experiences. California Consumers who are logged into their account while participating in sip & scan may save and redeem such rewards. (3) California Consumers can create a Coca‑Cola account and receive 15% off their first order at the Coca‑Cola store. (4) California Consumers can register for an account and get free or discounted products. (5) California Consumers can participate in Coca‑Cola’s social promotions, contests or sweepstakes for a chance to receive the benefits described in each such promotion.

Coca‑Cola does not generally assign monetary or other value to consumers’ personal information and our promotions activity changes continually. To the extent California law requires that a value be assigned to such programs, or the price or service differences they involve, Coca‑Cola values the personal information collected and used under each program as being equal to the value of the discounts or other financial incentives provided in each such program, based upon a practical and good-faith effort to assess on an aggregate basis for all collected information: (1) the type of personal information collected in each program (e.g., email address), (2) the use of such information by Coca‑Cola in connection with its marketing activities, (3) the range of discounts provided (which can depend on each consumer’s purchases under such offers), (4) the number of individuals enrolled in respective programs, and (5) the products for which the benefits (such as price difference) can apply. These values can change over time. Note that this description is without waiver of any proprietary or business confidential information, including trade secrets, and it does not constitute any representation with regard to generally accepted accounting principles or financial accounting standards.

A different California law permits California residents to request a notice disclosing the categories of Personal Information about you that we have shared with third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the preceding calendar year. At this time, Coca‑Cola does not share Personal Information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes.


Residents of Other U.S. States. The U.S. Privacy Laws offer Consumers certain rights with respect to their personal information. Coca‑Cola will honor these rights for any U.S. resident. They include:

  • Right to Access Information: You have the right to access and obtain a copy of your personal information.
  • Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request that we delete personal information provided by or obtained about you.
  • Right to Correct: You have the right to correct inaccuracies in your personal information
  • Right to Opt-Out: Our disclosure of your personal information to third party advertising and analytics providers may constitute a sale under certain state laws. In addition, we use cookies to serve targeted ads. You have the right to opt-out of these activities by (a) enabling an opt-out preference signal or Global Privacy Control on your browser which is recognized by our U.S.-facing websites, (b) opting-out of cookies in our U.S.-facing websites’ cookie preference center, or (c) for non-cookie personal information, submitting an opt-out request at

To protect Consumers, if we are unable to verify a privacy rights request, we are unable to honor the request. We will use personal information provided in a verified privacy rights request only to verify identity or agent authority to make the privacy rights request and to track and document responses unless Coca‑Cola also received the personal information for another purpose.

Agent Requests

You may use an authorized agent to make a privacy rights request for you. Before you can authorize an agent, Coca‑Cola requires that you complete our form here. We also may require that you directly confirm that you authorized the agent to submit requests on your behalf. Please note that it may take additional time to verify and fulfill agent-submitted requests. Once confirmed, your authorized agent may exercise privacy rights on your behalf, subject to the requirements of applicable law.


You may appeal Coca‑Cola's decision regarding a request by email at Please use the same email address that you used to submit the initial privacy rights request when you submit your Request to Appeal and please add “Request to Appeal” in the subject line of the email. If you do not use the same email address, Coca‑Cola cannot link your Request to Appeal to your initial privacy rights request.

Coca‑Cola's Responses

Some personal information that we maintain is insufficiently specific for us to be able to associate it with a verified Consumer (e.g., data tied only to a pseudonymous browser ID). We do not include that personal information in response to those requests. If we deny a request, in whole or in part, Coca‑Cola will explain the reasons in our response.

Coca‑Cola will make commercially reasonable efforts to identify personal information that we process to respond to a privacy rights request. In some cases, particularly with voluminous and/or typically irrelevant data, we may suggest you receive the most recent or a summary of your personal information and give you the opportunity to elect whether you want the rest. We reserve the right to direct you to where you may access and copy responsive personal information yourself. We will typically do not charge a fee to fully respond to your requests; provided, however, that we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act upon a request, if your request is excessive, repetitive, unfounded or overly burdensome. If we determine that the request warrants a fee or that we may refuse it, we will give you notice explaining why we made that decision. You will be provided a cost estimate and the opportunity to accept such fees before we will charge you for responding to your request.

Retention of your Personal Information

We retain personal information about a Consumer for as long as the Consumer’s account is active and otherwise as long as necessary for the purposes described above. We also retain personal information as long as necessary to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements. When determining the retention period, we consider various criteria, such as the type of products and services requested by or provided to you, the nature and length of our relationship with you and mandatory retention periods under applicable law. 

Your representation when participating in a promotion activity

When you participate in sales or marketing promotion activities, you confirm that you are 13 years of age or older. You also confirm that if you are between 13 years of age but under 18 years of age, you have obtained consent from your parents or legal guardian to participate in such activities according to the terms and conditions of the promotion and the privacy policy.

If you believe that Coca‑Cola’s personal information processing violates applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with:
The Ministry of Public Security (MPS)
Address: No. 44 Yet Kieu Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.
Tel: (+84) 069 234 3647 - 069 234 1165

The controllers of your personal information are: Pacific Refreshments Pte Ltd and The Representative Office of Coca‑Cola Southeast Asia, Inc.235 Dong Khoi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

* * * * *

Following is additional information about the Coca‑Cola entity that acts as controller of your personal information in jurisdictions not described above:


Coca‑Cola Bangladesh Beverages Limited
Crystal Palace (11th Floor), Rd 140, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

Kingdom of Bhutan

00975-77190300 (O)

Republic of Maldives

Male Aerated Water Company
5GH7+CG8, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Malé, Maldives


Bottlers Nepal Limited and Bottlers Nepal

Bottlers Nepal Limited,
Balaju Industrial District, Balaju,
Kathmandu, Nepal, P.O. Box: 2253
+977-01-4352986, +977-01-4352988

Bottlers Nepal (Terai) Limited,
Gondrang, Bharatpur-9, Chitwan,
Nepal, P.O. Box: 20

Sri Lanka

Coca‑Cola Beverages Sri Lanka Limited
B214, Biyagama Road, Colombo, Sri Lanka


Coca‑Cola Ukraine Limited LLC
139 Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 13 floor
Velyka Vasylkivska Kyiv, 03150

* * * * *



The Coca‑Cola Company (“Coca‑Cola” or “we”) complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF), the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Coca‑Cola has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the Processing of Personal Information received from the European Union (EU) in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and from the United Kingdom (and Gibraltar) in reliance on the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. Coca‑Cola has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles) about the Processing of Personal Information received from Switzerland in reliance on the Swiss-U.S. DPF. If there is any conflict between the terms in this Privacy Statement and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles and/or the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework program and to view our certification, please visit

(Note: the Swiss-U.S. DPF is awaiting finalization as of the date of this DPF Policy. Please visit here for more information.)


In this Coca‑Cola Company Data Privacy Framework Privacy Policy (DPF Policy), the following terms have the following meanings:

  • Agent means any third party that collects or uses Personal Information under the instructions of, and solely for, Coca‑Cola or to which Coca‑Cola discloses Personal Information for use on Coca‑Cola's behalf.
  • Data Subject (or you) means a natural person whose Personal Information is covered by this DPF Policy.
  • Controller means a person or organization which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Information.
  • DPF Principles means the EU-U.S. DPF Principles (defined above) and Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles (defined above), as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce here.
  • DPF Program means, collectively, EU-U.S. DPF, UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF.
  • Personal Information means any information, including Sensitive Personal Information, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that is received by Coca‑Cola in the U.S. from the EEA, Switzerland or UK/Gibraltar, and recorded in any form.

An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

  • Processing means any operation or set of operations performed on Personal Information, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure or dissemination, and erasure or destruction.
  • Sensitive Personal Information means Personal Information specifying medical or health conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, information specifying an individual’s sex life, and any Personal Information received by Coca‑Cola from a third party that the third party identifies and treats as sensitive.


This DPF Policy applies to Personal Information transferred from member countries of the European Economic Area (EEA, which is the member states of the EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), the United Kingdom (UK), and Switzerland to Coca‑Cola in the U.S. in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF, UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF or the Swiss-U.S. DPF.

Personal Information that Coca‑Cola Processes in compliance with the DPF Program is covered by Coca‑Cola’s other privacy-related requirements and policies (collectively, the Coca‑Cola Privacy Policies), such as:

  • Personal Information Processed about users of Coca‑Cola’s websites, mobile applications, widgets and other online and offline services (together, the Services) is subject to the Coca‑Cola Privacy Policy (available at for the UK, and, for the EEA and Switzerland, by selecting the relevant country here or, for some Services, the privacy policy, notice or statement linked or posted in those Services.
  • Personal Information regarding external job applicants is described in The Coca‑Cola Applicant Privacy Notice applies to Personal Information collected from or about applicants.
  • Personal Information regarding Coca‑Cola’s current or past employees, interns, contractors and contingent workers is subject to Coca‑Cola’s Employee Privacy Notices and to Coca‑Cola’s DPF Policy for HR Data, which are available on KO Connect (Coca‑Cola’s intranet).

This DPF Policy does not apply to Personal Information transferred under Standard Contractual Clauses or any approved derogation from the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the UK General Data Protection Regulation or the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act. While the DPF Program is an authorized international transfer mechanism to enable Coca‑Cola to receive Data Subjects’ Personal Information in the U.S., Coca‑Cola’s obligations and Data Subject rights under the DPF Program are separate from those under EU General Data Protection Regulation, the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act. 


Coca‑Cola commits to applying the DPF Principles to all Personal Information that Coca‑Cola in the U.S. receives from the EEA, UK and Switzerland in reliance on the DPF Program. Coca‑Cola’s adherence to this DPF Policy may be limited to the extent required to meet Coca‑Cola’s legal, regulatory, governmental or national security obligations.

The DPF Principles

The DPF Principles are: 1. Notice; 2. Choice; 3. Accountability for Onward Transfer; 4. Security5. Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation; 6. Access; and 7. Recourse, Enforcement and Liability.

1. Notice Principle

Coca‑Cola provides notice to Data Subjects about its Processing Practices for Personal Information received by Coca‑Cola in the U.S. from the EEA, UK and Switzerland in reliance on the DPF Program through the Coca‑Cola Privacy Policies and this DPF Policy, including:

  • the types of Personal Information it collects about them
  • the purposes for which it Processes the Personal Information (see also 5. below)
  • the types of Agents and other third parties to which Coca‑Cola discloses Personal Information and the purposes for doing so (see also 3. below)
  • the rights of Data Subjects to access their Personal Information (see 6 below)
  • the choices that Coca‑Cola offers Data Subjects for limiting use and disclosure of their Personal Information (see also 2. below)
  • how Coca‑Cola’s obligations under the DPF Program are enforced, including Coca‑Cola’s designated independent dispute resolution mechanism to address complaints and provide appropriate recourse free of charge, the possibility, under certain conditions, to invoke binding arbitration (see also 7. below)
  • Coca‑Cola’s liability in cases of onward transfers to third parties (see also 3. below)
  • how Data Subjects can contact Coca‑Cola with questions or complaints.

Coca‑Cola is not required to apply the Notice Principle or the Choice or Accountability for Onward Transfer Principles (see 2. and 3. below) to public record information (i.e., records kept by government agencies or entities at any level that are open to consultation by the public in general) or information that is already publicly available to the public at large as long as this information is not combined with non-public record information and, for public record information, any conditions for consultation established by the relevant jurisdiction are respected.

2. Choice Principle

Coca‑Cola provides Data Subjects with choices about their Personal Information before Coca‑Cola uses Personal Information covered by this DPF Policy for a new purpose that is materially different from the purpose for which the Personal Information was originally collected or subsequently authorized or before disclosure to a non-Agent third party that was not already authorized.

Coca‑Cola will obtain affirmative consent (i.e., opt-in) from Data Subjects before Sensitive Personal Information is disclosed to a third party.

Coca‑Cola will obtain the Data Subject’s affirmative express consent (i.e., opt in) before Sensitive Personal Information covered by this DPF Policy is (i) disclosed to a third party or (ii) used for a new purpose that is different from that for which the Personal Information was originally collected or subsequently authorized by the Data Subject.Under the DPF Principles, Coca‑Cola is not required to provide choice when disclosure is made to a third party that is acting as an Agent if Coca‑Cola enters into a written contract with the Agent (see 3. below). 

To opt out of these uses or disclosures of Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information, please contact Coca‑Cola as follows:

  • Send an email to
  • Complete the form available here 
  • Send mail to Consumer Interaction Centre, PO Box 73229, London E14 1RP

Coca‑Cola may engage with a Data Subject to request sufficient information to allow Coca‑Cola to confirm the identity of the Data Subject making an opt-out request. Coca‑Cola may use information for certain direct marketing purposes when it is impracticable for Coca‑Cola to provide a Data Subject with an opportunity to opt out before using the Personal Information but only when Coca‑Cola promptly offers the Data Subject the opportunity at the same time (and upon request at any time) to decline (at no cost) to receive any further direct marketing communications and Coca‑Cola complies with the individual’s wishes.

3. Accountability for Onward Transfer Principle

Coca‑Cola offers Data Subjects the opportunity to choose (i.e., opt out) whether their Personal Information is (i) disclosed to a third party or (ii) used for a purpose that is materially different from the purpose(s) for which the Persona Information was originally collected or subsequently authorized.

Transfers to Controllers: Coca‑Cola will transfer Personal Information covered by this DPF Policy to a third party acting as a Controller consistent with the relevant Coca‑Cola Privacy Policies provided to each affected Data Subject and the Data Subject’s consent given to Coca‑Cola.

Coca‑Cola also will make these transfers only if the Controller has agreed in a written contract that it will (i) Process the Personal Information for limited and specified purposes consistent with the consent provided by the Data Subjects, (ii) provide at least the same level of protection as is required by the DPF Principles and notify us if it makes a determination that it cannot do so; and (iii) cease Processing of the Personal Information or take other reasonable and appropriate steps to remediate the Processing if it makes such a determination.

Coca‑Cola will take reasonable and appropriate steps to prevent, stop or remediate the Processing if Coca‑Cola becomes aware that a Controller is Processing Personal Information covered by this DPF Policy contrary to the DPF Principles. 

Transfers to Agents: Coca‑Cola will transfer to each Agent only the Personal Information needed for the Agent to provide the services or products as Coca‑Cola has instructed.

Coca‑Cola will require that each Agent:

  • Process the Personal Information only for limited and specified purposes as instructed by Coca‑Cola;
  • Provide at least the same level of privacy protection as is required by the DPF Principles;
  • Take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure that the Agent effectively Processes the Personal Information transferred in a manner compliant with Coca‑Cola’s obligations under the DPF Principles; and
  • Notify Coca‑Cola if the Agent determines that it can no longer meet its obligation to provide the same level of protection as is required by the DPF Principles.

Upon receiving notification from an Agent that the Agent can no longer meet its obligation to provide the same level of protection as is required by the DPF Principles, Coca‑Cola will take reasonable and appropriate steps to stop and remediate the unauthorized Processing. Coca‑Cola also provides summaries of the relevant privacy provisions of its contracts with Agents to the Department of Commerce upon request.

In certain situations, we may be required to disclose Personal Information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

Coca‑Cola remains liable under the DPF Principles if an Agent Processes Personal Information covered by this DPF Policy in a manner inconsistent with the DPF Principles unless Coca‑Cola proves that Coca‑Cola is not responsible for the event giving rise to the damages.

4. Security Principle

Coca‑Cola takes reasonable and appropriate measures to protect Personal Information covered by this DPF Policy from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction, considering the risks involved in the Processing and the nature of the Personal Information.

5. Data Integrity and Purpose Limitation Principle

Coca‑Cola limits its collection of Personal Information to information that is relevant for the purposes of Processing. Coca‑Cola does not Process Personal Information in a way that is incompatible with the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently authorized by the Data Subject.

Coca‑Cola takes reasonable steps to ensure that such Personal Information is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current. Coca‑Cola takes reasonable and appropriate measures to comply with the requirement under the DPF Program to retain Personal Information in identifiable form only for as long as it serves a purpose of Processing. Specifically, Coca‑Cola will retain Personal Information in accordance with Coca‑Cola’s legitimate business purposes and legal obligations, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

Coca‑Cola will adhere to the DPF Principles for as long as it retains Personal Information covered by this DPF Policy.

6. Access Principle

Data Subjects whose Personal Information is covered by this DPF Policy have the right (i) to obtain from Coca‑Cola confirmation of whether or not Coca‑Cola is Processing Personal Information relating to them and to access that Personal Information and (ii) to correct, amend, or delete their Personal Information if it is inaccurate or if Coca‑Cola Processes it in violation of the DPF Principles - except when the burden or expense of providing access, correction, amendment, or deletion would be disproportionate to the risks to the Data Subject’s privacy, when the rights of persons other than the Data Subject would be violated or disclosure is likely to interfere with the safeguarding of important countervailing public interests, such as national security, defense or public security.

Coca‑Cola will make good-faith, reasonable and practical efforts to comply with requests, so long as our doing so would be consistent with applicable law, Coca‑Cola’s contractual requirements, and/or the laws applicable to Coca‑Cola.

Coca‑Cola may engage with a Data Subject to request sufficient information to allow Coca‑Cola to confirm the Data Subject’s identity or if an access request is vague or broad in scope or to better understand the motivation for the request and to locate responsive information. Coca‑Cola also may inquire about how the Data Subject interacted with Coca‑Cola or about the nature of the Personal Information or its use that is the subject of the request. Coca‑Cola may deny or limit access to the extent that granting full access would reveal Coca‑Cola’s own confidential commercial information, such as the confidential commercial information of another that is subject to a contractual obligation of confidentiality. Coca‑Cola may set reasonable limits on the number of times within a given period that access requests from a particular Data Subject will be met.

To make a data access request, Data Subjects may contact Coca‑Cola by:

  • Sending an email to
  • Completing the form available here
  • Sending mail to Consumer Interaction Centre, PO Box 73229, London E14 1RP

Coca‑Cola will respond to access requests within a reasonable time period.

7. Recourse, Enforcement, and Liability

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has jurisdiction over Coca‑Cola’s compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF.

In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Coca‑Cola commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of Personal Information transferred to the U.S. pursuant to the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF.

EU, UK and Swiss individuals with inquiries or complaints should first contact Coca‑Cola by email to or Coca‑Cola’s EU Data Protection Officer is available at

Coca‑Cola has further committed to refer unresolved DPF Principles-related complaints to a U.S.-based independent dispute resolution mechanism, BBB NATIONAL PROGRAMS. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed, please visit for more information and to file a complaint. The service of BBB NATIONAL PROGRAMS is provided free or charge to you.

If your DPF complaint cannot be resolved through the above channels, under certain conditions, you may be able to invoke binding arbitration for some residual claims not resolved by other redress mechanisms.

* * * * *

Coca‑Cola agrees to periodically review and verify its compliance with the DPF Principles and to remedy any issues arising out of Coca‑Cola’s failure to comply with the DPF Principles. Coca‑Cola acknowledges that its failure to provide an annual self-certification to the U.S. Department of Commerce will remove it from the Department’s list of DPF participants.

All Coca‑Cola personnel who have access in the U.S. to Personal Information covered by this DPF Policy are responsible for ensuring that Personal Information Processing complies with this DPF Policy. Coca‑Cola personnel also are responsible for ensuring that Agents or other unaffiliated third parties that Process Personal Information subject to this DPF Policy comply with this DPF Policy and Process Personal Information in accordance with the DPF Principles, including contracts required by the DPF Program.


This DPF Policy may be amended from time to time consistent with the requirements of the DPF. When we make changes to this DPF Policy, we will revise the “Last Updated” date at the beginning of this DPF Policy. We also will take appropriate measures to inform you in advance of changes we feel are significant so that you have an opportunity to review the revised DPF Policy before it is effective. If your consent is required by the DPF Principles, we will obtain your consent. We encourage you to regularly check this DPF Policy to ensure you are aware of the updated version.



Coca‑Cola is committed to protecting the privacy of your Personal Information. If you have any questions or comments about this DPF Policy, please contact