What type of grants or requests does Coca‑Cola provide?

There are many types of requests for community support in the form of grants or sponsorships for consideration by The Coca‑Cola Foundation or The Coca‑Cola Company.

The following list are areas that are not generally supported:

Individuals (For scholarship information, visit The Coca‑Cola Scholars Foundation website.)

Organizations that discriminate based on race, color, sex, gender identity and/or expression, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability..

Religious endeavors

Political, legislative, lobbying or organizations

Programs focused heavily on nutrition, weight loss and/or physical activity

Movie, film or television documentaries

Website development

Concerts or other entertainment events

Beauty contests, fashion shows or hair shows

Fraternal organizations and related events

Local sports or athletic teams

Travel or organized field trips

Family reunions

Marketing sponsorships or cause marketing or advertising projects (For marketing sponsorship requests, visit the Contact Us section)

U.S. based local schools, including charter schools, pre-schools, elementary schools, middle schools or high schools

U.S.-based organizations that do not have tax-exempt status under Section 501(c) (3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code, or the equivalent

Organizations formed outside the U. S. that do not have a charitable equivalency status under the laws and provisions of their respective government


To learn more about what the Coca‑Cola Foundation does, click here. 


To apply for a donation, click here.
