Supplier Guiding Principles

Our Supplier Guiding Principles (SGP) communicate our values and expectations of suppliers and emphasize the importance of responsible workplace practices that respect human rights and comply, at a minimum, with applicable environmental and local labour laws and core international conventions. The Supplier Guiding Principles are aligned with our Human Rights Policy and reflects our commitment to respecting human rights across our business system and global supply chain.
Since the inception of our SGP program we have collaborated with our bottling and supplier partners to complete over 17,500 human and workplace rights assessments globally. Although our values have stayed the same our program has evolved to drive continuous improvement. In 2012 we rolled out program updates in light of years of experience, industry trends and expert guidance on business and human rights. These updates continued to build our system's awareness of human rights and our capacity through assessing management systems and other Good Practices that support a positive and inclusive workplace. In 2014 we enhanced our assessments with regards to the recruitment and employment practices for migrant workers and protecting the land rights of local communities.
The Supplier Guiding Principles are a part of all contractual agreements between The Coca‑Cola Company and its direct and authorized suppliers. We expect our suppliers to develop and implement appropriate internal business processes to ensure compliance with the Supplier Guiding Principles. The Company routinely utilizes independent third parties to assess suppliers' compliance with the SGP; the assessments include confidential interviews with employees and on-site contract workers. If a supplier fails to uphold any aspect of the SGP requirements, the supplier is expected to implement corrective actions. The Company reserves the right to terminate an agreement with any supplier that cannot demonstrate that they are upholding the SGP requirements.