Transparency: Search Results


Unrestricted donation to Program in Food Safety, Nutrition & Regulatory AffairsPartnershipUniversity of TorontoC$12,5002018
Participaction Teen ChallengePartnershipParticipaction C$ 400,0002017
Unrestricted donation to Program in Food Safety, Nutrition & Regulatory AffairsPartnershipUniversity of Toronto**C$ 12,5002017
Unrestricted educational grantPartnershipToronto 3D Knowledge Synthesis**C$ 15,0002017
Health & Well-Being ResearchPartnershipCanadian Beverage AssociationC$ 8,2002016
Participaction Teen ChallengePartnershipParticipaction C$ 1,000,0002016
Unrestricted donation to Program in Food Safety, Nutrition & Regulatory AffairsPartnershipUniversity of Toronto**C$ 12,5002016
EPODE Canada*PartnershipEPODE International NetworkC$ 115,0842015
Triple Play*PartnershipBoys & Girls Clubs of CanadaC$ 191,8072015
EPODE Canada*PartnershipEPODE International NetworkC$ 110,4462014
Move to Lose 2*PartnershipDiabetes QuebecC$ 55,2232014
Thrive*PartnershipAbilities Centre DurhamC$ 113,7602014
Triple Play*PartnershipBoys & Girls Clubs of CanadaC$ 165,6702014
Unrestricted educational grant for Obesity Boot Camp, includes grants for international students to attend and participatePartnershipCanadian Obesity NetworkC$ 157,0002013-2015
Nutrition Made Simple*PartnershipDiabetes QuebecC$ 51,4962013
Unrestricted grant for Sogo Active (Participaction Teen Challenge) StudyResearchParticipaction C$ 48,1002013
Youth ABCs (Ability to Bring Change)*PartnershipBoys & Girls Clubs of CanadaC$ 102,9912013
Move to Lose*PartnershipDiabetes QuebecC$ 49,9792012
Northern Canadian Nutrition Literacy Campaign*PartnershipCanadian Institute of Child HealthC$ 99,9582012
Health & Well-Being ResearchPartnershipCanadian Beverage AssociationC$ 112,3002011-2015
Exercise is MedicinePartnershipCanadian Society for Exercise PhysiologyC$ 100,0002011
Moss Park Rejuvenation Project*PartnershipParticipaction C$ 123,6342011
Unrestricted research grant: Improving nutrition for Inuit children and pregnant womenResearchCanadian Institute of Child HealthC$ 30,2272011
Participaction  Teen ChallengePartnershipParticipaction C$ 5,000,0002010-2015
Unrestricted donation to Program in Food Safety, Nutrition & Regulatory AffairsPartnershipUniversity of Toronto**C$ 62,5002010-2015
International Congress on Physical Activity and Public HealthPartnershipParticipaction C$ 231,1552009-2010

Our Commitment to Transparency (legal text)

* Indicates funding from The Coca‑Cola Foundation.

** The Coca‑Cola Company and its U.S. Corporate headquarters also worked with organizations and individuals based in Canada. In some cases, this funding was provided by The Coca‑Cola Company to the individual and the organization and is therefore listed on the U.S. disclosure website

We have made a good-faith effort to disclose all the funding that meets the inclusion criteria. If we have unintentionally omitted something that meets those criteria, we will disclose it in one of our future updates, which we plan to provide every twelve months.

Items Included in and Excluded from the Jan. 1, 2010 – Dec. 31, 2018 Disclosure

Research and Partnerships Included:

  1. Funding provided by Coca‑Cola Ltd. or The Coca‑Cola Company’s U.S. corporate headquarters to entities based in Canada for research relating to dietary intake, nutrition, and health, or to physical activity; and

  2. Funding provided by Coca‑Cola Ltd., The Coca‑Cola Foundation, or The Coca‑Cola Company’s U.S. corporate headquarters to entities based in Canada for health and well-being programs and communications activities conducted in Canada.

Research and Partnerships Excluded:

  1. Research by entities not based in Canada and not funded by Coca‑Cola Ltd. or The Coca‑Cola Company’s U.S. corporate headquarters;

  2. Programs and activities conducted outside Canada and not funded by Coca‑Cola Ltd., The Coca‑Cola Foundation, or by The Coca‑Cola Company’s U.S. corporate headquarters;

  3. Research on ingredients, packaging, products, or brands that is not related to dietary intake, nutrition, and health, or to physical activity;

  4. Research and development on new ingredients, packaging, products, or brands; and

  5. Payments to third-party service providers for media services, advertising, and logistics in support of the “Partnerships” for Health and Well-Being Programs and Communications Activities listed.

For purposes of this list, we use the term ‘partnership’ in an informal sense, referring to our relationship with entities based in Canada that have received funding from Coca‑Cola Ltd., The Coca‑Cola Foundation, or The Coca‑Cola Company’s U.S. corporate headquarters to support their health and well-being programs and communications activities conducted in Canada from 2010 to 2018.

Timeframe: January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2018. Amounts for January 1, 2019 forward will be disclosed in a future update.

Currency: All amounts are disclosed in CAD excluding HST. Where amounts have been converted from other currencies to CAD this has been done using an average annual exchange rate for the year in which the payment was made.

We have made a good-faith effort to disclose all the funding that meets the inclusion criteria. If we have unintentionally omitted something that meets those criteria, we will disclose it in one of our future updates, which we plan to provide every twelve months.