Health & Wellbeing

We know that too much sugar isn’t good for anyone. This is why we support leading health authorities’ recommendations to limit added sugars to no more than 10% of total daily energy intake. ​And we continue our journey, responding to changing consumer preferences by innovating our recipes and pack sizes, offering more choice and heroing our low and no sugar options in our marketing, promoting our drinks responsibly.

Our success as a total beverage company hinges on understanding what people want. And what they’re asking for is clear - drinks with less sugar that taste good.  ​

We know that too much sugar isn’t good for anyone, and we support the recommendation of leading health authorities to limit added sugars to no more than 10% of total daily energy intake.   ​

At Coca‑Cola in Europe, we support the EU Commission’s Farm to Fork objectives and are taking meaningful actions towards the EU’s vision to create healthier food environments. This includes helping to tackle important public health issues, including the rise of obesity and other non-communicable diseases. ​

For years, we have worked to reduce the sugar in our drinks, and to offer low or no calorie alternatives. Today, 45% of our total volume comprises low or zero calorie drinks, and our ambition is that this will increase to 50% by 2025.​

Together, with our industry peers at UNESDA, we have pledged that by then, we will have reduced the sugar in our drinks by 33% compared with 2000.  ​

Since 2010 we have reformulated over 280 drinks to contain less sugar across Europe. And since 2015, we have introduced more than 380 new low and zero sugar drinks and reformulated hundreds to contain less sugar. We want consumers to make informed choices. That's why we provide clear and meaningful nutrition information about what's inside our drinks and offer our products in small pack sizes to enable portion control. ​

We’re using our marketing strength and strategic partnerships to encourage more people to choose low or no sugar drinks. In Europe, 98% of our Coca‑Cola brand marketing features zero sugar drinks.  ​

We believe parents should decide what their children drink and that schools should be commercial-free. We do not market any of drinks to children under 13 in any media, including on TV, online and in social media where they constitute 30% or more of the audience.  ​

We are taking actions to help people better manage their sugar intake and to help create healthier food environments. It will take all of us - policy makers, public health professionals, companies and consumers - working together to forge a path ahead.​