Human relationships are being challenged and transformed. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve faced new rules that have changed how we relate to each other. We are cautioned against sharing, touching, hugging and kissing; even our smiles are hidden behind our masks.
IN TIMES OF PHYSICAL DISTANCING, WE WELCOME EMOTIONAL TOGETHERNESS and so we are launching a movement and need your help to reimagine how we connect in the face of physical distancing. We bring you a language that allows our bodies to express all the emotions that we carry inside even from behind a mask.
STAND 👏 A 👏 CHANCE👏 TO👏WIN with #CokeDanceTheFeeling.
STEP 1: Watch how we share some love with our Coke Dance Language:
STEP 2: Pick your bestie, parent, fam, ride or die - anyone you love or miss and want to feel that little bit closer to.
STEP 3: Set up your phone, get some 🔥 lighting and record your message using our moves from the video.
STEP 4: Post it to your timeline, tag your person, tag @CocaColaZA and don't forget to add #CokeDanceTheFeeling.
STEP 5: Repeat Steps 1 - 4 and keep spreading the love, there might be a surprise in it for you.