- Nutritional Information Label
- Nutritional Facts
- Serving Size Label
- Per 1 can (355 mL)
- Serving Size Value
- % Daily Value
- Calories From Fat Label
- Calories From Fat Value
- Amount per Serving
- Calories Label
- Calories
- Calories Value
- 70
- Carbohydrates Label
- Total Fat
- Carbohydrates Value
- 0 g
- Carbohydrates Percentage
- 0 %
- Sodium Label
- Sodium
- Sodium Value
- 35 mg
- Sodium Percentage
- 2 %
- Total Fat Label
- Total Carbohydrates
- Total Fat Value
- 18 g
- Total Fat Percentage
- -
- Total Sugars Label
- Total Sugars
- Total Sugars Value
- 18 g
- Total Sugars Percentage
- -
- Protein Label
- Protein
- Protein Value
- 0.1 g
- Protein Percentage
- -
- Included Sugar Label
- Potassium
- Included Sugars Value
- 40 mg
- Included Sugars Percentage
- 1 %
- Description
Carbonated water, sugar/glucose-fructose, caramel colour, coffee powder, natural flavour, phosphoric acid, sodium benzoate, caffiene, potassium sorbate, sucralose, acesulfame-potassium, dimethylpolyslloxane.
Contains (per 355 ml): 28 mg sucralose, 21 mg acesulfame-potassium.-Delicious combination of Coca‑Cola taste infused with Brazilian coffee
-49 mg of caffeine in each 355 mL serving
-355 mL in each slim can
-This sparkling beverage is best enjoyed ice-cold for maximum refreshment