Snack in the name of play

Man drinking fanta and eating nachos

Fanta Snack Time

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Make your summer playful with Fanta!

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McDonald's meal pack

GB 16+(U18s parental consnt). Scan QR Code to launch or download Coke App. 09:00 26.06.2023 – 09:00 04.09.2023. No purchase needed. Play games/collect gems for a chance to win in a Weekly Draw: Total prizes: 2,400x Fanta branded beach towels, 20x games consoles, 1,000x Inflatable Fanta drinks holders across 10 draws.) Max 100 draw entries in total. Max 1 win/person/prize type. Excl. apply. Full T&Cs:

Promoter: Coca‑Cola Great Britain, 1A Wimpole Street, London W1G 0EA