Does my product contain allergens?

Specific to food allergies, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that the following nine substances cause 90 percent of all allergic reactions: milk, soy, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame and wheat.  (Tree nuts are defined as Almond, Beech nut, Brazil nut, Butternut, Cashew, Chestnut (Chinese, American, European, Seguin), Chinquapin, Coconut, Filbert/hazelnut, Ginko nut, Hickory nut, Lichee nut, Macadamia nut/Bush nut, Pecan, Pine nut/Pinon nut, Pili nut, Pistachio, Sheanut, Walnut (English, Persian, Black, Japanese, California), Heartnut or any ingredient derived from these.)  

If our products contain any of these allergens, we specifically note it in the ingredient list on the label.

Our plants have policies and procedures in place to identify these top 8 allergens and take the steps necessary to eliminate risks associated with the cross contamination of allergen- and non-allergen-containing products.