The world needs more Santas
We’re bringing Santa’s spirit to you with our iconic Coca‑Cola Christmas trucks. Why not bring your loved ones and embrace your inner Santa? Visit us for a magical time full of laughter, fun activities and a free Coke.
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ROI & NI 18+. Buy, enter code under ring pull/label for Coins in Coke App. Play & earn Gems for chance to win 100s of festive prizes in Instant wins (winning moments, not all prizes may be won), plus auto-entry into next available Grand Prize draw: 6 draws of 1 X Lapland trip prize for 2, inc flights and accom. Open 09:00 06.11 – 09:00 20.12.23. Max 2 Instnt Win entry/day, Max total 100 entries/draw Max 1 win/person/prize. Mop Up draw. 09:01 20.12 – 09:00 03.01.24. Excl.apply. T&Cs: www.coca-cola.com/ie/en/offerings/xmas2023-terms Promoter: Coca‑Cola Ireland
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