NFTs are unique Novel-Fanta Tokens that cannot be interchanged like fungible assets such as Bitcoin. 

Follow the steps to log in, empty your bag, and reveal and burn each of your NFTs for Fanta goodies. To burn your NFTs, you must follow these steps with the 3days of collection.

NFTs are digital tokens that appear as images, branded artwork, virtual objects, or gifs in hidden locations. You will need to burn our NFTs for additional clues, QSR vouchers, FSA promos, or Fanta merch.

Treats to find include vouchers, clues, merch and NFTs to burn for more clues that will help you make the ultimate guess.

A limited number of NFTs have been scattered around South Africa for you to find.

No, our NFTs expire after 3 days.

After revealing your NFT voucher, you’ll be prompted to claim them by first filling out a form with your contact information. Make sure that information is successfully submitted. Then, within 7 days, you will receive an email and be required to complete additional documentation from our Prize Administrator. If you are confirmed, you can expect to receive your voucher by mail.

After revealing your Fanta apparel, you’ll be prompted to claim it by filling out a form with your contact information. Make sure that information is successfully submitted as this will allow us to confirm you are eligible.

After revealing your pumpkin or crystal ball digital collectible, you’ll be prompted to claim it by filling out a form with your contact information. Make sure that information is successfully submitted as this will allow us to confirm you are eligible.

A digital wallet is a piece of software that enables you to transfer and store your digital collectibles on the blockchain. You connect your digital wallet to digital collectible marketplaces by inputting your wallet’s public address, much like a home address is used to send you mail.